COVID-19 hospitalizations rise sharply locally, across Texas – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth


As COVID-19 continues to put more and more unvaccinated Texans in hospitals, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the Delta variant now accounts for 83% of all new cases in the United States, a spectacular increase of 50% the week of July 3.

The Texas State Department of Health Services reported on Tuesday that there had been 3,319 hospitalizations for COVID-19 statewide, 273 more than the day before and more than twice as many as the previous day. was hospitalized statewide on July 1.

The state does not specify how many hospitalized people have been vaccinated against the virus or with what strains they are infected.

While medical experts have repeatedly stated that the vast majority of recent hospitalizations for COVID-19 are among those that remain unvaccinated despite the wide availability of several vaccines, there are now a growing number of infections appearing in people. vaccinated.

Stephen Love, CEO and Chairman of the DFW Hospital Council, told NBC 5 on Tuesday that the local number of people hospitalized with coronavirus is significantly higher than just a month ago.

“We have 911 COVID-19 patients in our TSA-E hospitals. This represents 6.4% of bed capacity and 19.9% ​​of adult intensive care patients, ”Love said.

On Tuesday, Love said there were 321 COVID-19 patients in hospitals in Tarrant County, 228 in Dallas County, 158 in Collin County, 40 in Denton County, 34 in Hunt County and 23 in Rockwall County.

“As we said before, the majority of patients are not vaccinated,” Love said. “For reference, we had 287 COVID-19 patients in hospitals on June 20, so as you can see our hospitalizations have increased dramatically in 30 days. “

According to state health department data, the Dallas-Fort Worth TSA-E has more COVID-19 hospitalizations than any other metropolitan area in the state.

The state reported figures, in the graph above, are typically a day behind the figures reported by local health authorities such as the DFW Hospital Board or local county health departments.

Discovered in October 2020, the Delta variant is estimated by public health officials in the UK to be between 43% and 90% more transmissible than the original COVID-19 strain.

“The reason it’s so great is the fact that it has the ability to effectively transmit from human to human in an extraordinary way, far beyond any other variation we’ve known so far.” said Dr Anthony Fauci, the White House’s chief medical adviser, said during the hearing.


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