COVID-19 Infections Appearing in People Vaccinated – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth


From day one, experts said COVID-19 infections were rare, but it seems we are hearing about more and more cases.

A sixth Democrat from Texas in Washington tested positive for COVID on Monday, despite having been vaccinated.

Medical experts say the vaccine was designed to keep people from getting seriously ill and so far it appears to be.

People who get vaccinated but still get COVID suffer from mild to moderate symptoms, ”said Dallas County Medical Society president Dr. Beth Kassanoff-Piper.

Whether or not vaccinated, anyone with cold symptoms should get tested for COVID-19, Kassanoff-Piper said.

People who have been vaccinated should consider wearing masks.

“If you’re going to be in a big crowd of people where there may be a lot of unvaccinated people or if you’re with people you don’t know if they would stay home if they were sick, I just mask this to be careful, ”Kassanoff-Piper said.

The delta variant is what doctors think is behind the breakthrough infections.

It’s also a big reason why the American Academy of Pediatrics said Monday that all children should wear masks to school in the fall.

How does the delta affect children?

The response from local epidemiologist Dr Katelyn Jetelina of UT School of Public Health is that delta is 200 times more transmissible, so more children will have it.

Delta also has a 1000% higher viral load. More children will pass it on to others as well.

At this time, it is not clear whether Delta is more severe on children than the other variants.

You can find a link to other questions and answers from Dr Jetelina on his blog.


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