Covid-19 update: 5 more deaths in Onondaga County


Syracuse, NY – Five more people in Onondaga County have died from Covid-19, bringing the total number of deaths to 626, according to county data.

The most recent deaths include two women, aged 73 and 66, and two men, 89 and 85, according to an update from County Director Ryan McMahon. The fifth person was a resident of a nursing home; the state does not publish detailed information on these deaths.

The number of newly confirmed cases in Onondaga County continues to decline due to the surge around the holidays.

Today, the county has confirmed 115 more cases based on the most recent test results. Over the past week, 2.4% of tests, on average, came back positive.

Over the past week, the county has recorded an average of 111 new cases per day. The previous week? That daily average was 162, according to county data.

Hospitalizations are going in the same direction. Today, there are 114 Covid-19 patients in hospitals in the region.

Over the past week, the county has seen an average of 119 patients per day. The previous week? This average was 152 patients.

Currently, 29 people are in intensive care units.

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