COVID-19 vaccine likely to be deployed by mid-December: CDC


A federally approved COVID-19 vaccine will likely be in place in mid-December, the chief of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Tuesday.

“The vaccine will likely be rolled out by the end of the second week of December,” Dr Robert Redfield told Fox News’ The Daily Briefing.

Redfield said the photo would likely be distributed first to “residents of nursing homes, then to healthcare workers. [along] with a certain mix of individuals who are at high risk of poor outcomes. “

“These decisions are being finalized as we speak,” Redfield said.

Earlier this week, a senior adviser to the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed ​​proposed a similar timeline.

“Our plan is to be able to ship the vaccines to the vaccination sites within 24 hours of approval, so I may wait until the second day after approval on December 11 or 12,” said Dr Moncef Slaoui. at CNN.

Food and Drug Administration officials are currently reviewing an emergency approval request for Pfizer’s vaccine, which the company says has shown 94.5% efficacy in clinical trials.

Biotech company Moderna is also expected to seek approval soon for its vaccine, which the company says is around 95 percent effective.


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