COVID cases continue to rise in LMAS counties


The health department that covers Luce, Mackinac, Algiers and Schoolcraft counties is seeing an increase in cases as the delta variant continues to spread.

From March 1, 2020 to September 16, 2020, Luce, Mackinac, Algiers and Schoolcraft counties recorded a total of 103 cases of COVID-19.

As of July 2021, a total of 15 cases of COVID were reported in the LMAS district.

During the month of August, 221 more were added.

From September 1 to September 17, 2021, 302 more cases were added.


In a statement, the health ministry said:

In June and July, we felt like we were on the home stretch and preparing to put the pandemic behind us. COVID vaccines reduced infections and prevented people from entering hospitals and dying. Then the Delta variant began to take hold in the southern states of the country. By August, the Delta variant was spreading to the upper peninsula. The COVID-19 pandemic is clearly not over. Hospitals are reaching capacity and beyond with COVID patients and other medical issues. Our four critical access hospitals face challenges in providing critically ill patients with the care they need, as receiving hospitals lack the capacity.


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