COVID hospitalizations stabilize in Bay Area, California


The Delta variant wave appears to have peaked – for now – in the Bay Area, and this is seen in the drop in the number of daily cases as well as in hospitalizations.

SFist noted on Aug. 11 that hospitalizations exceeded 1,000 for the Bay Area for the first time since February, and that more than 1,000 COVID patients – 1,146 – remained in area hospitals. Tuesday. But the number appears to have peaked at 1,195 a week ago and has declined since then, a trend that follows weeks after the daily number of new cases appears to have peaked here as well.

On August 14, we reported that the CEO of Zuckerberg SF General Hospital believes this fourth pandemic wave has already reached its peak.

Across California, hospitalizations have also leveled off and even started to decline in recent days.

Graph by SFist using state data
Statewide hospitalizations as of August 31 via CA Department of Public Health

As reported by Mercury News, the average number of new daily COVID cases in the Bay Area increased sharply in July, from 3.8 cases per 100,000 population on July 1 to 23.7 per 100,000 on August 2nd. Since then, it has fallen to 18.9 cases per 100,000.

In San Francisco, the seven-day moving average of daily new cases fell to 146 on August 24, down more than 50% from a peak of 309 on August 2.

Chart via SFDPH

The push for the Delta variant in California was very clearly followed by the state lifting of most restrictions on businesses on June 15 and the general lifting of the mask mandate. Since the wave started in July, most communities have reinstated the mask rule, and the more paranoid / cautious among us have probably cut back on some of our social activities as well.

In addition, vaccination rates have slowly increased in the region and state.

Gov. Gavin Newsom attended an event in Oakland on Tuesday and encouraged more people to get vaccinated. 80% of Californians aged 12 and over have now received at least one shot of the vaccine.

“Thank you to the people of the state of California for being aware that this pandemic is not behind us,” Newsom said.


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