COVID monoclonal antibody treatment difficult to obtain in California


Health officials in California warn of shortages and problems distributing medical treatment that can prevent COVID-19 patients from becoming seriously ill.

Monoclonal antibodies have been developed as a treatment for COVID-19. They are believed to be a way to counter the coronavirus before it can start destroying organs in the body, said Dr Rais Vohra, acting health officer for Fresno County. The antibodies can be used to treat mild or moderate COVID-19 in patients who are not hospitalized.

Recently, the nation has seen a twenty-fold increase in the demand for monoclonal antibodies; as a result, the US Department of Health and Human Services is reserving treatment for areas hardest hit by the pandemic, said Dr Regina Chinsio-Kwong, assistant health worker for Orange County.

“Because of this, we are likely to see a decline in access to monoclonal antibodies for our county,” Chinsio-Kwong said. Healthcare providers are urged to prioritize those most at risk for therapy.

In central California, the widespread distribution of monoclonal antibodies has been difficult, Vohra said. In addition to being difficult to order from the state and manufacturers, the therapy requires nurses who can administer it, in a process that can take up to three hours. It is also a challenge in overcrowded hospitals to find space for patients to receive infusions.

“A lot of our clinics and hospitals are just saying they don’t have the resources to spend that much time,” Vohra said.

Although not a substitute for vaccinations, monoclonal antibodies are a promising therapy, Vohra said, noting that it is unfortunate that a drug cannot be administered due to personnel and infrastructure issues.

“Every patient who gets an infusion today, we can actually save them a [intensive care unit] hospitalization in just a few weeks, so it’s definitely worth the investment in that, ”he said.

The Fresno County health official said he would like the state to increase access to monoclonal antibody treatments for more Californians.

“Let’s face it: COVID isn’t going away anytime soon,” Vohra said. “We hope we can get it under control, but there will always be patients who will come… and if they are at high risk, it will be one of the first drugs that we look for, no matter if we are in a wave or not.

“So we really need to build the infrastructure to donate monoclonal antibodies. Because if we don’t nip their problem in the bud, then it’s going to blossom into bilateral pneumonia, or something else that will get them into the ICU, ”Vohra said.


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