COVID patient dies after breathing tube detaches, staff fail to notice in time


A 47-year-old coronavirus patient treated at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv died Friday evening after the breathing tube detached from his ventilator, and medical teams did not notice for several minutes.

The hospital attributed Moshe Harazi’s death to the heavy staff workload as Israel suffers the worst COVID-19 wave to date, with a record number of cases and critically ill patients.

“This is a great service that treats critically ill coronavirus patients,” the hospital said in a statement. “An initial investigation showed that… the breathing tube came off, but due to the many simultaneous emergency alerts in the intensive care unit, the team, occupied by emergency alerts in other patients [noticed] this only after a few minutes.

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Harazi then deteriorated and the doctors could not save him.

“We are under a heavy burden that challenges staff. Hospital management has opened an investigation into the abnormal incident and will come to the appropriate conclusions. ”

The hospital said it had already decided to further strengthen the teams in the coronavirus wards by reducing other less urgent operations.

He expressed his condolences to Harazi’s family.

“We demand answers,” his widow Tali told the Ynet news site. She said the family heard about the staff error from the media, and only then from hospital officials. She said a hospital official told her “it is under investigation and after the shiva [week-long mourning period] they will update us. ”

According to the latest health ministry figures on Saturday, Israel currently has 82,551 active coronavirus cases, of which 1,082 people are in serious condition. The death toll from COVID-19 in the country stands at 3,943 people.

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