COVID vaccine protesters rally in Santa Monica – press enterprise


Santa Monica – A coalition of groups of medical professionals, first responders, parents and students gathered in Santa Monica on Saturday to protest Los Angeles’ impending COVID-19 vaccine obligations, sequester the city ​​and more hate. Produced by tens of thousands of people.

The SOS California No Vaccine Passport Rally is organized by Children’s Health Defense, California Parents United, Latinos for Medical Freedom, Central Coast Health Coalition, Advocates for Physicians Rights, America’s Frontline Doctors, Vaccine Injury Awareness League and the California branch of Freedom. of Religion – United Solutions, Protection of Children’s Educational Rights, Freedom Angels,, Mama Bears Radio, Million Mamas Movement.

A rally at Tomba Park on Ocean Avenue was held to oppose a motion passed by Los Angeles City Council on August 11. .

Speakers include human rights lawyer Lee Dandes, founder of Simone Gold, a leading physician in the United States, media talent Will Witt, Los Angeles student Noel Fitchett, and Carlsbad chiropractor. Dr Cody Williams was to be included.

Gold was arrested for participating in a riot at the United States Capitol on January 6 and has been charged with chaotic behavior. She later said she regretted being there.

Other speakers say non-compliance threatens unemployment across the state, including local firefighters, first responders, nurses, teachers, parents and leaders of the local Latin community. Should be included.

These groups oppose immunization mandates for several reasons.

– They say this does not solve the problem of COVID-19 outbreaks. “People who have been vaccinated can catch the virus and infect it,” they say. “Currently, it is the responsibility of those who choose not to be vaccinated, and when those who are currently fully vaccinated still die from COVID and fill the hospital, the pandemic has declared,” Unvaccinated pandemic. Is claimed without scientific support. The group further states that the obligation does not take into account the innate immunity of those already infected with the virus and “forces those who are already immune to COVID-19 to shoot.”

– The Nuremberg Code of Ethics states that it violates medical confidentiality by publishing private medical issues and states that subjects’ voluntary consent is absolutely essential before undergoing a medical examination. However, threats to increase Medicare or to lay off workers if not vaccinated have forced someone to participate in medical treatment. Coercion is not a deal! “

– They say it promotes racism because it creates a “two-tier society” that does not allow unvaccinated people to participate in society and promotes more hatred in Los Angeles. They further recalled the memory of Nazi Germany that Jews were accused of “spreading disease that they did not have,” “someone simply because they have questions about further experimental shots without long term research. Is labeled as anti-vaxxer. “

– They become “the predecessor of the digital infrastructure which not only controls the entrance to interior space, but also controls education, employment, travel, finance and potentially all movements and interactions in society. “. I worry about the possibility.

– They fear that the authorities will continue to demand more and more “booster injections” of vaccines once the mandate is promulgated. (Federal authorities recently recommended that all vaccinated people receive a third dose of Moderna or Pfizer vaccine to boost immunity.)

– They say it will hurt small business owners when their customers are no longer allowed into the store.

Los Angeles County, state and federal health officials have claimed the vaccine is safe and effective since it was first approved for emergency use. People who have been vaccinated can still catch and spread the coronavirus, but officials say the vaccine reduces that chance. More importantly, they say they dramatically reduce the likelihood that a person infected with the virus will develop symptoms that require hospitalization or can be fatal.

As of August 15, the Los Angeles County Public Health Department found that 63% of the county’s estimated 10.3 million people (including those who had not yet been vaccinated) had received at least one vaccine. And 55% are fully vaccinated. Of the more than 5.1 million complete vaccinations in Los Angeles County, authorities have identified 27,331 complete vaccinations that have tested positive for COVID-19, the agency said. This is less than 1% of all people vaccinated.

The ministry also says that only 0.014% of all fully vaccinated people in the county are hospitalized and the group has 68 deaths, or 0.0013%.

The Pfizer and Modana vaccines were approved for emergency use by the United States Food and Drug Administration in December 2020, and the United States Food and Drug Administration approved the Johnson & Johnson vaccine for use in emergency in February 2021.

The New York Times reported on Saturday that the FDA was pushing for full approval of the Pfizer vaccine as of Monday.

Tracy Henderson, founder of California Parents United and director of legal affairs at Utah Parents United, said the decision to vaccinate should be a personal choice and encourage children to wear masks. I am also concerned that it could have a negative impact on my health. “I think it amounts to child abuse,” she told City News Service. “Children should not be affected to protect the health of adults. “

Henderson said the government shouldn’t be teaching people how to manage their health in the first place and questioned why the FDA hasn’t stopped using the vaccine because of possible side effects.

“The product was released for 25 deaths… why is the FDA approving something with so many deaths? She told the CNS. “The treatment is worse than the disease. “

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s vaccine adverse event reporting system, deaths after COVID-19 vaccination are rarely reported.

“From December 14, 2020 to August 16, 2021, more than 357 million COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in the United States. Meanwhile, VAERS received the COVID-19 vaccine…. to VAERS after vaccination. Reporting adverse events, including deaths, does not necessarily mean the vaccine caused health problems, ”the CDC said. “A review of available clinical information such as death certificates, autopsy, medical records, etc. has not established a causal relationship with the COVID-19 vaccine. However, recent reports have shown this with the J & J / Janssen COVID-19 vaccine. There is a plausible causal relationship between TTS, which is a rare and serious adverse event (thrombocytopenia) leading to death. “

Henderson believes the number of adverse health effects from the virus is higher than reported and says the hospital is “full of people vaccinated.”

But the main problem for her and for others planning a gathering is free. She says wearing vaccines and masks should be up to the individual.

“Wash your hands. When you feel sick, stay home. Respect others,” she said. “If you want to go the vaccine route, I respect you. Don’t let me. that.

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