COVID vs COVID vaccine: which is more risky?


Unvaccinated Americans widely believe the COVID-19 vaccine is riskier than the novel coronavirus itself, according to a new Yahoo News / YouGov poll.

  • The discovery comes as the United States has reached a plateau for COVID-19 vaccinations, even as the more transmissible delta variant of the virus continues to circulate across the country.
  • According to Yahoo News, the poll result “contradicts all available science and data and highlights the challenges the United States will continue to face as it struggles to stop a ‘growing pandemic of the unvaccinated’ driven by the delta variant. hyper-contagious ”.

What do people think of the COVID-19 vaccine?

According to Yahoo News, the poll found that 29% of unvaccinated Americans believe the virus is a higher risk than the vaccine. However, 37% believe the vaccine is riskier, while 34% remain uncertain.

  • In total, 93% of unvaccinated people polled in the Yahoo News poll said they would never get vaccinated or wait until they saw what happened to others before doing so.

Why don’t people want to get vaccinated?

The Yahoo News poll also looked at why people don’t get vaccinated. He found several reasons among survey participants, including:

  • There is no easy access to a vaccination site (4%).
  • People cannot take time off work (3%).
  • Some already had COVID-19 (9%).
  • People are not worried about contracting COVID-19 (12%).
  • Others do not trust the COVID-19 vaccine (45%).

The vaccine remains safe

Experts continue to recommend the COVID-19 vaccine as a way to protect against the new coronavirus and as a way to help stop the spread of the virus. In fact, experts at Yale Medicine said the easiest way to stop the delta variant is to get the vaccine.

  • “Like everything in life, this is an ongoing risk assessment,” Yale Medicine pediatric infectious disease specialist and vaccinologist Dr. Inci Yildirim told Yale Medicine. “If the weather is nice and you’re outside, you put on sunscreen. If you are in a crowded gathering, potentially with unvaccinated people, you put on your mask and maintain social distancing. If you are not vaccinated and eligible for the vaccine, the best thing to do is get vaccinated. “

Likewise, the Wall Street Journal reported on data from a UK study that found vaccines appear to work well in stopping variants.


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