Create an irresistible mozzarella: in Tenuta Vannulo, in the south of Italy, the specialty is prepared from the milk buffalo very pampered


Customers in Tenuta Vannulo, in southern Italy, know that they'd better come early to find a number before the cheese specialty is exhausted. After all, it's fresh buffalo mozzarella.

Mario Spatuzzi came from Milan at seven o'clock by train.

"You can buy this at the grocery store – why come here?" asked the correspondent Seth Diane.

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"Because the taste of it is simply amazing," replied Spatuzzi. "This is made of the buffaloes you see there, right behind this shop."

The customer Josh Miller has his priorities with regard to the cheese maker, which is not far from the ancient ruins of Paestum. "Maybe we'll get to Paestum, which is the temple, but it's the first stop!"

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The crowd is scrambling for fresh mozzarella at Tenuta Vannulo.

CBS News

Staff pack fresh buffalo mozzarella in polystyrene boxes. The emotions, however, are not so restrained, as some women started fighting for their turn in the queue.

Nicola Palmieri runs the family farm where the buffaloes are pampered. "If we can give them the opportunity to live in the best way possible, we have to do it," he said. "And technology gives us this opportunity."

Soothing music is played in the pens and when the buffaloes feel that they are ready, they align themselves to be milked by machines. They can also take a shower or have a massage.

Pampered buffalo, a source of buffalo milk for Tenuta Vannulo cheeses.

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"They have to be relaxed," Palmieri said. "It's one of the secrets we use to make good mozzarella."

the the case (or cheesemongers), the milk is collected, a curd is produced and in just about five hours, it is turned into balls, with the special technique that gave its name to mozzarella. (Mozza way to cut.)

Cheesemakers in Tenuta Vannulo.

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The chance to see the process attracts locals and tourists, including Patricia Oakes of Louisiana.

Doane asked him, "What's the difference between the mozzarella you tried here in southern Italy and the one you had in the United States?"


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"Oh my God, it's melting in your mouth!" she exclaimed.

Buffalo milk has a higher percentage of fat than cow's milk, so it is richer and sweeter.

Domenico Caldarone came from Bolivia to learn this art rather involved in the Consortium for the protection of buffalo mozzarella in Campania.

Doane asked, "Did you realize how difficult it would be to make mozzarella?"

"No, no, I thought it would have been more like a month-long process," he said.

But it's been six months and it counts.

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Domenico Caldarone learns the art of cheese making from the Consortium for the Protection of Buffalo Mozzarella.

CBS News

Doane said, "It looks easy!"

"Trust me, it's not," Caldarone said.

Complicated to master, but whether it's on a pizza or eaten nature, it's simply delicious.

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Story produced by Mikaela Bufano.

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