Cruise in the Hues: Minnesota’s fall color season is back


COVID-19 has put the brakes on a lot of fun things over the past year and a half. But that can’t stop the beauty of a Minnesota fall. The Department of Natural Resources launched this year’s Fall Color Finder, and we’re here for it.

Yes, colors are mostly in their infancy right now, but that just gives you a little bit of time to prepare.

Jay Cooke State Park is already reporting color changes in early fall, “mostly in aspens, due to drought conditions and some maple leaves are just starting to change.”

MPR News will post them throughout the season on Friday mornings. Check out some of the current DNR highlights and suggestions on where to go and what you’ll see:

Old Mill State Park, Northwest Minnesota

Trees, grasses and other signs of falling can be seen throughout the park. The day-use area offers a 360-degree view of the start of fall. The weather was nice for a nice picnic while enjoying the birds and deer foraging in late summer.

Blue Mounds State Park, southwest Minnesota

The goldenrod and the barbon turn. Asters are blooming. There are bright yellow spots from a variety of sunflowers. Snakes venture more in search of a little warmth at night and a winter home.

Explore the Mound Trail along the Bison Grazing Fence.

Jay Cooke State Park, northeastern Minnesota

Along with the aspens that are starting to change, goldenrod and sunflower species are emerging and the grasses are starting to take on the rusty hues of fall.

The water remains low in the Saint-Louis River due to the drought conditions, making it easier to see the slate rock formations. The birds are starting to prepare for their migratory journeys.

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