Cruise ship quarantined in St. Lucia due to measles


The island of St. Lucia in the Caribbean has quarantined a cruise ship to prevent the spread of measles, a public health official said Tuesday.

The country's chief medical officer, Dr. Merlene Fredericks-James, said in a video message that the authorities in St. Lucia had learned Tuesday morning a case of measles aboard the ship. After discussions with other regional health authorities, Fredericks-James stated that Saint Lucia had ordered passengers and crew to remain aboard the ship at berth due to the highly contagious nature of the disease.

"Due to the risk of potential infection, not only from the case of confirmed measles, but also from other people who might be on board the boat at that time, we decided to not allow anyone to disembark, "Fredericks-James said.

She did not name the ship, but a Coast Guard official from St. Lucia identified her as the Freewinds at MSNBC. On Wednesday, he stayed in Castries, the country's capital, according to

The online databases on ships show only one large passenger ship called Freewinds, which belongs to the Church of Scientology. The church did not immediately respond to questions from BuzzFeed News.

The 440-foot vessel is based in the Caribbean and often hosts high-ranking Scientologists. The church's website indicates that it houses the highest level of spiritual counseling in Scientology.

The measles epidemics have plagued this year in the United States and Europe, and Fredericks-James has advised the people of St. Lucia, especially those who travel, to ensure that they and their children are vaccinated.

Measles is an extremely contagious and potentially dangerous disease that continues to spread during epidemics that, according to public health authorities, are caused by the refusal of vaccines based on misinformation and conspiracy.

The Church of Scientology has not issued a position on vaccination: it opposes psychiatry, but recommends its members to follow the advice of physicians in physical health. A number of prominent Scientologists have already spoken out against vaccination.


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