Cruise Ship Scientology Freewinds Quarantined for a Measles Case


A Scientology cruise ship with nearly 300 passengers and crew members has been quarantined in the Caribbean since Monday after a crew member tested positive for measles, according to a report. the media.

The cruise ship "Freewinds" (440 feet) is quarantined in the port of St. Lucia, according to NBC News.

"We received information early this morning from two sources – two reputable sources that a cruise ship visiting our island reportedly had a confirmed case of measles," said Dr. Fredericks-James, Chief Medical Officer of the country, in a statement. the media. "The individual is in a stable state."

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St. Lucian officials coordinated with the Pan American Health Organization and the Caribbean Public Health Agency, reports the St. Lucia Times. At present, the vessel must leave St. Lucia late Thursday night, but the crew and passengers are currently not allowed to leave the ship.

The port of attachment of the Caribbean-based ship is Curacao.

"For a Scientologist, boarding the Freewinds for the new OT VIII is the ultimate in a deeply spiritual journey," wrote the Church of Scientology on its website. "Years of training and auditing have brought him to this ultimate point, which is the most important spiritual realization of his life and gives him the full realization of his immortality."

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Meanwhile, a measles epidemic continues to affect the United States, resulting in fines in New York and quarantine in California. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports 704 individual cases of measles in 22 states.

"This is the largest number of cases reported in the United States since 1994 and since measles was declared eliminated in 2000," says the CDC.

Cases have been reported in Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan , Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Jersey, Oregon, Texas, Tennessee and Washington.

According to the CDC, the measles virus lives in the mucus of the nose and throat, and the disease spreads through sneezing and coughing.

Symptoms of measles usually appear within 10 to 14 days and often include a dry cough, runny nose, sore throat or fever. Rashes are also common. You should call a doctor if you think you or a family member has been exposed to measles.

Previous: Measles reported in Pinellas County, second case this year in Florida

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