These are the diseases that technology has left us


Development and technological innovation have brought us tools that we can no longer get rid of.

There is no doubt that the various gadgets have improved our performance at work and facilitated aspects of life, but all is not favorable because there are also diseases that technology has left us.

And today, at Techbit, we show you the diseases more common than technology has left us.

Carpal tunnel

The carpal tunnel is a syndromenormally produced by office work. What do we mean by that? Most of the time, we spend long hours in front of computers in a single position what this syndrome can develop in the hand that holds the mouse.

By managing a single posture in our work and typing, our arm can suffer the consequences. The carpal tunnel produces tingling and even numbness in the hand and grimace, followed by sharp pains that extend along the arm.

We know that it is almost impossible to get away from our computer. It is therefore very likely that this syndrome develops. However, we recommend that you relax and change the position of your arm throughout the day. Thus, you will help to avoid these pains.

Problems in vision

Before the arrival of computers, cell phones or tablets, there were common eye conditions such as myopia. However, with the arrival of these devices, our eyes undergo many badignments because of the light that they emit.

Spending hours and hours in front of electronic devices has generated visual fatigue that can produce blurred vision and dry eyes. These events They are mainly due to the time we spend in front of the cameras and, therefore, we significantly reduce the number of flashes.

To less damage your vision, you can adjust the brightness of your devices.

Loss of hearing

Currently, headphones are our best business because they allow us to leave the cell phone in the pockets of the garment and listen to music or podcasts that interest us.

Now we can talk on the phone, listen to WhatsApp audio or just listen to music. However, all these facilities have damaged our ears High volume or constant use can cause hearing loss and buzzing in the ears.

Tension in the neck

The stump in the neck This has also come with technological growth because it has changed our posture and forced our neck to move into positions that are not correct. The symptoms are muscle pain at the base of the neck and can even cause headaches.

Some examples of this position are when you answer the phone and you do not stop for other activities, you hold it with your shoulder and your head: what you put under your neck at a voltage. Or, when you are writing messages or simply browse the networks on your mobile phone and hold the cell phone at bad level by tilting your neck.

The cancer

Cancer is also part of this list by radiofrequency radiation. According to National Cancer Institute, no significant badociation was found in cell phone use with cancer, however, radio frequency radiation from cell phones with cancer was studied.

This significant relationship led to the recommendation not to attend long phone calls because it is thought that radiofrequency can cause brain cancer. In addition to keeping mobile phones away from the head, the use of headphones is recommended to reduce the proximity of radio frequencies.

These are some of the diseases that technology has left us, do you know them? Now that you know a little more about how to prevent them, follow the tips in this note to improve your health.

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