Cubs sign wide receiver Robinson Chirinos to be SIXTH backup receiver


He is back! That’s right, Chicago Cubs signing catcher Robinson Chirinos is a reunion, and the picture for the job is proof of that!

First up, the news: Today the Cubs signed a big league contract with Chirinos, and he’s immediately joining the squad for tonight’s game against the Phillies. Former substitute receiver Taylor Gushue has been appointed to take care of opening a spot. That makes Chirinos the SIXTH substitute receiver of the season for the Cubs, after Austin Romine, Tony Wolters, PJ Higgins, Jose Lobaton and Gushue.

Second, the reunion: yes, Chirinos offered the Cubs hope – this photo is from 11 years ago – before being traded to the Tampa Bay Rays as part of the Matt Garza deal (most famous with Chris Archer, but shortstop Hak-Ju Lee was perhaps seen as the best prospect in the deal, Brandon Guyer was seen as number three, and Sam Fuld was a fun inclusion as well).

Third, the status: Chirinos, 37, proved himself in Texas as a long-time exceptional replacement for the Rangers, and was downright dominant for the Astros in 2019. That year and the year before, he was no longer a “starter,” but the wheels fell off in 2020, and this year he was raking (but scratching a ton) for the Yankees at Triple-A. There’s not necessarily a guarantee here that Chirinos will be the kind of quality replacement he’s been in the past – he’s 37, after all – but he’s obviously as good as any guy the guys are. Cubs have had so far in their back-UPS parade.

Do the Cubs get him in time for him to matter? The odds are certainly against it – and the backup receiver doesn’t matter much anyway – but it’ll be good to see an excuse to give Willson Contreras a rest here and there, if only to preserve his body for the second half (his performance this year counts for many reasons, I’m just saying).


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