Cyberpunk 2077 ray tracing not available on AMD Radeon at launch


CD PROJEKT RED yesterday showcased new Cyberpunk 2077 ray tracing footage, while revealing the final PC system requirements of the massively anticipated first-person open-world role-playing game.

Cyberpunk 2077 ray tracing specs only mention NVIDIA GeForce RTX graphics cards, despite the brand new AMD Radeon RX 6000 graphics cards also offering hardware accelerated ray tracing.

This prompted one user to ask CD PROJEKT RED Community Manager Marcin Momot for ray tracing specifications for AMD and Momot hardware. replied that the feature will not be available at launch for Radeon GPUs, although the studio is working to make it happen as soon as possible.

Now, this isn’t a case of proprietary NVIDIA features or anything like that, as Cyberpunk 2077 ray tracing was recently confirmed to be based on Microsoft’s open DXR API. We then have two options: either CD PROJEKT RED takes its time to optimize ray tracing functionalities for the various AMD architectures, or it is simply a by-product of the marketing agreement with NVIDIA.

We saw the same on the reverse, after all, a short time ago with Godfall. This game was featured in a marketing deal with AMD and its ray tracing features (shadows, in particular) were only released on AMD Radeon graphics cards, NVIDIA GeForce users will get it “soon”.

Hopefully this isn’t the start of a steady stream of exclusive ray tracing effects timed according to a game’s marketing deal, as that would be boring.

Anyway, back to Cyberpunk 2077 ray tracing, recap the effects that will be featured in the title. NVIDIA DLSS will also be available, of course, improving performance across the board.

Diffuse ray tracing illumination – This captures the glow of the sky as well as the emissive illumination of various surfaces, which is difficult to achieve with traditional rendering techniques. When activated, billboards and other illuminated surfaces and objects will illuminate their surroundings with naturally colored lighting, and the sun and moon will realistically illuminate Night City.

Ray-traced reflections – In Cyberpunk 2077, Ray-traced reflections are used on all surfaces and can trace distances of up to several kilometers, allowing realistic reflections over vast viewing distances. They are present on opaque and transparent surfaces and objects to simulate how light reflects off shiny and metallic surfaces by tracing a single bounce of reflection rays on the stage.

Ambient occlusion by ray tracing – In Cyberpunk 2077, ray-traced ambient occlusion can be used with local lights to approximate local shadow effects where shadows are absent, dramatically improving the quality of the ambient occlusion effect.

Shadows by ray tracing – In Cyberpunk 2077, directional shadows of the sun and moon are added to the game, depending on the strength of the light, the scattering of light through the clouds, and other factors.


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