Cyberpunk 2077, the source code of Witcher 3 has already been auctioned following the pirating of CD Projekt •


After the developer refused the ransom demands.

Stolen source code for Cyberpunk 2077, free-to-play card fighter Gwent and an all-new version of The Witcher 3 reportedly already up for auction after developer CD Projekt refused to give in to ransom demands from hackers following a breach of its servers .

Yesterday CD Projekt issued a statement claiming that an “unidentified actor” had gained unauthorized access to its internal network over the weekend and collected a series of data. A note accompanying the attack gave the developer 48 hours to “come to an agreement” on the source code and documents – relating to accounting, administration, legal, HR and investor relations – stolen on its servers, otherwise it would start selling or running away from them online.

For its part, CD Projekt has promised “not to give in to the demands nor to negotiate with the actor, knowing that this could possibly lead to the publication of the compromised date”. He also said he was taking “the necessary steps to mitigate the consequences of such a release, in particular by addressing all parties that may be affected.”

Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay and Prints on PC.

With 48 hours now up, however, it looks like the hackers are ready to keep their word. Tom’s Hardware reports (based on information vx-underground) that sample source code for Gwent has already been leaked online, with full code – alongside that for Cyberpunk 2077 and unreleased files, likely related to the next gen for The Witcher 3 – to be auctioned more late in the day. The starting bid for the full cache is set at $ 1,000.

CD Projekt has yet to respond to this latest development, but recommended that former employees take precautions after the leak into a updated tweet posted last night. “From this point on,” he noted, “we have no evidence that any of your personal data has been accessed”.


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