Dallas confirms first reported case of measles


Dallas County Health and Social Services (DCHHS) reports their first confirmed case of measles in a Dallas resident since 2017. The person was exposed to another case of confirmed measles from Tarrant County at their location. joint work in Dallas County in March. The Dallas County measles case remained at home during their potential contagious period and therefore did not result in additional exposure of the public or workplaces.

"This is a great example of success in the field of public health. We had excellent coordination with the Tarrant County Health Department and the employer. The patient is voluntarily quarantined and therefore, there was no public exposure to this highly contagious virus. The epidemiology staff of DCHHS should be commended for their efforts, "said DCHHS Director / Health Authority Dr. Philip Huang.

Measles is a highly contagious disease that spreads in the air when a person who has measles coughs or sneezes. Measles usually starts with fever (up to 10 ° C), a cough, runny nose and red eyes. These symptoms are followed by a rash that extends from the head to the hands and feet. The incubation period of this febrile eruptive disease is between 7 and 21 days. Patients are contagious 4 days before rash to 4 days after the onset of rash.

"Measles is a highly contagious disease that can be prevented with the MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella)," said Dr. Christopher Perkins, Medical Director of DCHHS.

Two doses of MMR vaccine are 97% effective against measles and are recommended for all children. The first routine dose is given every 12 to 15 months and the second to 4 to 6 years. Adults born after 1956 should receive at least one dose of MMR vaccine unless they have other evidence of immunity. Two doses of MMR vaccine are recommended for international travelers, students and health staff. Adults without previous records of measles immunization or measles immunity can be plotted for IgG titers, or they can be vaccinated without obtaining serology. The administration of additional doses of MMR vaccine does not present any danger.

If you are unsure of your measles immunization status or have any questions, please contact your health care provider.


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