Data shows COVID-19 vaccines have caused dramatic changes in hardest-hit Utah counties


SALT LAKE CITY – In Utah, two counties have seen dramatic change in terms of Covid-19 deaths before and after widespread immunizations.

We decided to use March 1, 2021 as a dividing line, when Utah’s most vulnerable populations were given the opportunity to get vaccinated and the general public began to get vaccinated.

Read – Utah reports 1,724 daily cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday; 12 new deaths

Salt Lake County has seen just 19% of its total Covid-19 deaths since March 1, the lowest percentage among the largest counties in Utah. Salt Lake also has a higher vaccination rate than other densely populated Utah counties.

San Juan County has the highest Covid-19 death rate in all of Utah, but they’ve completely changed their trajectory thanks to the vaccination. Of their 39 deaths, 36 occurred before March 1. The Navajo Health Department deserves most of the credit for the change, having delivered more than 80% of all doses administered in the county.


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