David Y. Igé | Governor’s Office Press Release: Governor Ige’s Latest Emergency Proclamation Extends Driver’s License Expiration, Clarifies Who Pays for Employee COVID Testing


Governor’s Office Press Release: Governor Ige’s Latest Emergency Proclamation Extends Driver’s License Expiration, Clarifies Who Pays for Employee COVID Testing

Posted on October 1, 2021 in Latest news, Writing, Press Releases

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HONOLULU – Governor David Ige released the latest Emergency proclamation related to the State’s COVID-19 DELTA response, maintaining the Safe Travels program and statewide mask mandates.

There is also no change to the EP provision that allows for the extension of expirations of driver’s licenses and teaching licenses that expired during the emergency period.

This proclamation also:

  • Clarifies that employers are not required to pay for COVID-19 testing of employees who choose to undergo regular COVID-19 testing in lieu of vaccinations.
  • Reinstates civil service recruitment requirements that were previously suspended under federal law. The suspension helped ensure that the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations (DLIR) had sufficient staff resources to respond to the unemployment crisis caused by COVID-19.
  • Allows state councils and commissions to continue to meet virtually, using interactive conferencing technology, reflecting the intention of the legislature in Law 220 (2021). This EP adds that the Council and the Commissions will offer witnesses the same option to testify in an audio-visual manner.

Collection restrictions are enforced by individual counties.

To view the State’s COVID-19 Delta Response Emergency Proclamation, click here.


Media contacts:

Jodi leong

Deputy Director of Communications / Press Officer

Governor’s office

Office: 808-586-0043

[email protected]

Cindy mcmillan

Director of Communications

Governor’s office

Office: 808-586-0012

[email protected]


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