Deadly virus transmitted by confirmed mosquito in Jackson County Deer


JACKSON, MI – A mosquito-borne virus with a 33% human mortality rate has been confirmed in a deer in Jackson County.

According to a press release issued by the Jackson County Department of Health, a deer has been tested positive for Eastern Equine Encephalitis. No human case of EEE has been identified in Jackson County.

Since July, seven confirmed cases of human infection have been reported in Michigan, including three fatalities in Kalamazoo, Cass and Van Buren counties.

"As a precaution, and as directed by (Michigan Department of Health and Social Services), we recommend that groups limit, if possible, outdoor events and activities from dusk to dawn. , at 19 'o clock. or to move the event into an indoor space, "said Rashmi Travis, health officer at JCHD, in the statement.

People should avoid spending the night outside until the first hard gel reduces the mosquito population, Travis explained.

The EEE is a rare disease transmitted by mosquito bites infected, according to the JCHD. The two main species of mosquitoes carrying the virus are the most active from dusk to dawn.

EEE symptoms include the sudden onset of fever, chills and joint and body pains. Some cases can lead to seizures, paralysis, permanent brain damage, coma and death, the statement said.

Seek immediate medical attention if signs appear, JCHD said. People under the age of 15 and over 50 are the most at risk of serious illness.

The JCHD recommends wearing an insect repellent with DEET or other EPA approved products if you are out at night. You can also wear socks, pants and long sleeved shirts, get rid of stagnant water near the houses and make sure the screens are tight and do not cry.

For more information on mosquito-borne diseases, visit


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