Dean Cain slammed after his review of Marvel’s Captain America “Woke”


Dean Cain has publicly condemned Marvel’s latest version of Captain America, and Twitter is pushing back its criticisms.

The “Lois and Clark” actor appeared on “Fox & Friends” Monday to criticize the character, saying, “I’m so tired of all this revival and anti-Americanism.”

“I think the pendulum will return to the open appreciation of American values, of the Constitution, of the Bill of Rights,” he added.

The new Marvel Comics series, “Captain America’s United States,” features a version of Steve Rogers who is a less patriotic and world-weary superhero who declares the American Dream to be truly “two dreams.” And a lie.

Cain admitted his anger wasn’t directed at the character, as much as Marvel’s new “awakened” take of Marvel.

“You know, I love Captain America; I love the concept of Captain America, ”Cain said during the Fox News appearance. “But I’m so tired of all this revival and anti-Americanism. You know, we just celebrated our 245th anniversary. In my opinion, America is the greatest country in history. It’s not perfect; we are constantly fighting for a more perfect union, as we all know, but i believe it is the fairest and most equitable country there is, with more opportunities than anyone has ever seen. And that’s why people are clamoring to come here from all over the world.

“I agree with Senator Tom Cotton, who was here a few days ago, who said the captain may need to be demoted to lieutenant,” Cain said. “I think that’s common sense. We are here because America has its founding principles, in which I firmly believe. I believe in individual freedom; I believe in equal opportunity, not in the outcome. Competition: the ability to compete fairly. Hard word, which brings you success and brings you material wealth which in turn gives you autonomy. This is what everyone wants on this planet; that’s what everyone strives for, that’s why they try to come here.

“And I find this awakening state, it’s omnipresent; it goes through everything; it goes through our school system, ”Cain continued. “The cool thing to do today is hit America. The comics do; schools indoctrinate our children, they do it; our movies, our TV shows are full of them. Celebrities, actors, athletes, media: they love to denigrate America.

” I do not understand. I often wonder: do these people ever travel outside of America? He asked. “Do they go to other countries where they have to deal with governments that are not as fair as the United States? I don’t think they do; I do it all the time, and I kiss the floor when I come back here.

Cain further asserted that “the cool and fashionable thing to do today is denigrate America, hate America, and I’m exactly on the other side of the fence. I like this country. I am also a complete optimist; I believe the pendulum will come down to openly appreciating American values, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights. As soon as people start studying them again in school, I think people will understand and appreciate them.

Presenting himself as a “kind of counterculture guy,” Cain proclaimed that his support and belief in America “makes me a revolutionary in some ways, which is fine with me. “

He then posted a tweet that wrote, “That’s right – I haven’t read the comic – but I stand by everything I said.”

It’s true – I haven’t read the comic – but I stand by everything I said. 🤨

– Dean Cain (@RealDeanCain) July 8, 2021

Twitter responded to Cain’s remarks with contempt and shameless ridicule. Comments ranged from mocking the actor’s past roles and career to a fierce dismantling of his arguments.

What Dean Cain doesn’t seem to understand, no one wants to HATE America, they just want America to keep its promises. For everyone. So it’s not just great stories about “the BIGGEST country on earth” and so on. blah blah nausea. We WANT it to be true. DESPERATELY.

– Peter Thorn (@petethorn) July 9, 2021

Tomorrow’s title today:


– Gail Simone (@GailSimone) July 9, 2021

Dean Cain

What you VS What Amazon
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– ClockOutWars (@clockoutwars) July 9, 2021

Anyone care what Dean Cain says in this Breitbart article about the new Captain America? He is tired of “awakening”. Let’s shed some light …

Superman was an undocumented alien and aided the underprivileged and repeatedly brought down the evil capitalist companies of Lex Luthor.

– Dee (@inqvmnd) July 9, 2021

Dean Cain seems to be the person conservative pundits go to if they want to get a glimpse of a superhero comic book. As if playing a comic book character on a TV show makes you an expert at the comics themselves.

– Bevan Thomas (@bthomasa) July 9, 2021

The worlds of comics and comic book cinema have repeatedly pushed back narrow ideas of “Americanity” over the years. Remember when they picked this partly Asian actor to play the role of Superman? Of course you do. His name was Dean George Tanaka, aka Dean Cain.

– Kristen Meinzer (her) (@kristenmeinzer) July 9, 2021

Dean Cain: Can’t believe they just woke up Captain America and criticized the United States 🤬

Captain America 31 years ago:

– Frogger Neal ️🚩 (@froggneal) July 9, 2021

Read the original story Dean Cain slammed after his review of Marvel’s Captain America “Woke” at TheWrap


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