Death by Diet Soda? – The New York Times


Does guzzling diet soda lead to an early demise?

There was a lot of energy in the diet and consumption of this drug, which was reported to be a major contributor to this study.

The study, published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, followed by 450,000 Europeans over 16 years and tracked among soft-drinkers of all persuasions – both those with a fondness for sugary beverages and those who favored sugar-free drinks.

Sugar-sweetened, sugar-sweetened, sugar-sweetened, sugar-sweetened, sugar-sweetened, sugar-sweetened, sugar-sweetened one glass a month.

But what has taken hold of headlines, and has prompted widespread anxiety, was the suggestion that Drinking Diet Coke could be even more deadly than drinking Coca-Cola Classic.

"Putting our results in context with other published studies, it would probably be prudent to limit consumption of these soft drinks and replace them with healthier alternatives like water," said Amy Mullee, a nutritionist at University College Dublin and one of 50 researchers who worked on the study, one of the largest of its kind to date.

The study is not a one-off. Over the past year, other research in the United States has found a correlation between artificially sweetened beverages and premature death.

The problem, experts say, is that these and other studies are unable to resolve a question: Do you drink with your sweet aspartame or saccharin harm your health? Or could it be that people who drink lots of Diet Snapple or Sprite Zero lead a more unhealthy lifestyle to begin with?

A number of nutritionists, epidemiologists and behavioral scientists think the latter may be true. (It's a theory that will be instantly recognizable to anyone who has guiltily ordered a Diet Coke to accompany their Double Whooper with cheese.)

"It could be that soda drinkers eat a lot of bacon or perhaps it's because they are people who rationalize their lifestyle by saying, 'Now that I've had a diet soda, I can have those French fries,'" said Vasanti. S. Malik, a researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health and the author of a study in which the link between artificial and unrestrained. "This is a huge study, with a half million people in 10 countries, but I do not think it adds to what we already know."

The authors of the JAMA paper who were smokers or obese, and they tried to improve their accuracy through statistical modeling.

But Dr. David Ludwig, an obesity specialist at Boston Children's Hospital, said these so-called observational studies can not really determine cause and effect. "Maybe artificial sweeteners are not growing up," he said. "Maybe it's just that people with an increased risk of mortality, like those overweight or obese, are choosing to drink diet soda butt, in the end, this is their problem and they die prematurely."

Still, scientists say the alternative to observational studies – a clinical trial that randomly assigns participants to a sugary drinks group or a diet soda group – is not possible.

"Clinical trials are considered the gold standard in science," said Dr. Malik of Harvard. "Many people would drop out, and it would also be prohibitively expensive."

Concerns about artificial sweeteners have been around since the 1970s, when studies found that large quantities of saccharin caused cancer in rats. The Food and Drug Administration A further study on the subject of the invention and the use of a supplemented label is also available. More recently-created chemical sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose have been extensively studied, with little evidence that they negatively impact human health, according to the F.D.A.

Some studies have even found a correlation between artificial sweeteners and weight loss, but others have suggested they may increase cravings for sugary foods.

"Dr. Barry M. Popkin, a nutritionist at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill," said Dr. Barry M. Popkin, "They are harmful to a healthy lifestyle. He encouraged you to give birth to a baby.


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