Dedication ceremony will take place outside the Capitol, Biden spokesman said


New White House communications director Kate Bedingfield said on Sunday that President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony would take place on the west side of the U.S. Capitol building as scheduled.

“I think this will send an incredibly important visual image to the world about the resilience of American democracy, and therefore our plan and expectation is that President-elect Biden will get his hands on the Bible with his family outside of the West Side.” from the Capitol on the 20th, ”Bedingfield told ABC’s“ This Week With George Stephanopoulos ”of Wednesday’s event.

Bedingfield’s comments came in response to concerns about security in the area, following the January 6 riot on Capitol Hill. The U.S. Capitol has been on lockdown by security officials since then, and thousands of National Guard troops are expected to help secure the area.


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