Delaware girl bitten by an infamous insect kissing her blood


A Delaware girl was bitten by a blood-sucking kissing insect in her house. It's the first time that this insect, which can transmit the deadly Chagas disease, has been found in this state – a disturbing proof that the deadly pest is heading north to Central America, officials said.

The insect bit the girl in the face while she was watching TV in her Kent County house's room last July, announced in a statement released the Center for Disease Control. and Prevention.

His parents contacted the Delaware Public Health Division and the Delaware Department of Agriculture to help them identify the insect – as they feared a possible transmission of the disease, said the officer. organization.

Agencies, as well as researchers from the Texas A & M University and CDC Kissing Bug Citizen Science program, identified the pest as a kissing virus – whose scientific name is Triatoma sanguisuga.

In September, the CDC warned that insects were coming from South America and Central America and that they had previously been found in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Maryland, Delaware Online reported.

The insect has the disgusting tendency to attack the human face for its meals and can transmit the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi that causes Chagas disease – a rare disease that can lead to serious heart and gastrointestinal complications, even death , according to the CDC.

Fortunately, the girl who was bitten last year did not get sick.

According to the CDC report, about 300,000 people with Chagas disease live in the United States and most have been infected with the parasite in areas of Latin America where the disease is more prevalent.

Some cases of Chagas disease have been confirmed by contact with insects on American soil, noted the CDC.

Although the kiss virus has been confirmed in the Delaware case, there is currently no evidence of the parasite infecting in the state, according to the organization.


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