Delta passenger arrested after boarding plane without mask, refusing to leave, police say


SALT LAKE CITY – Police arrested a 44-year-old man on Wednesday after refusing to wear a face mask on a flight leaving Salt Lake City International Airport.

Police said Joshua Colby’s advice bypassed the gate agent around 10:40 p.m. and began to descend the gangway to board the plane bound for San Francisco. An officer followed him and asked him to put on a face mask.

The Council, “for unknown reasons, refused to obey the boarding agent and boarded the plane without complying with his request,” reads a police booking affidavit.

After boarding the Delta plane, the Council remained seated while flight attendants, the captain, door attendants and a manager asked him to put on a mask. The Board “became argumentative” and “inexplicably refused to comply,” the affidavit states.

“Police were summoned after Delta management determined that (the Board) was no longer welcome on the plane and needed to be escorted off the plane,” the affidavit said. “The accused refused to disembark at the request of Delta employees.”

After the police arrived, they said the Council also denied their requests to leave the plane.

“The passengers of the plane (several dozen) had to be disembarked in order to exit safely” the Council of the plane, indicates the affidavit. Once the plane was empty, he agreed to leave.

At the gate, the Council then allegedly refused to provide his identity to the police and was arrested. The flight was delayed for 45 minutes.

Delta Airlines issued a statement on Saturday apologizing to its customers for the delay and said: “There is nothing more important than the safety of our employees and our customers.”

The board was referred to the Salt Lake County Jail for investigation into disorderly conduct for refusing to comply with a police order. He was released on condition that he agreed to appear at an upcoming court date.


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