Delta variant: why the increase in the death rate is worrying


Dr Rochelle Walensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, recently expressed concern over the rise of the delta coronavirus variant as the number of cases grows faster than expected .

  • “While we expected the delta variant to become the dominant strain in the United States, this rapid increase is troubling,” she said, according to CNN.

But Walensky has a silver bullet: vaccination.

  • “Widespread immunization is what is really going to turn the tide of this pandemic,” Walensky said, according to CNN. “Know that if you are not vaccinated, you remain sensitive.”

Third move to fight the delta variant

Pfizer and BioNTech said on Thursday they were working together to develop a COVID-19 booster that would specifically fight the variant of the delta coronavirus.

  • USA Today reports that Pfizer wants to create a third dose of the vaccine to boost the immunity of fully vaccinated people. However, the company wants to create another dose that specifically hits the delta variant. It is not known if there would be two options for the third dose or if you would only need one.

What if you were fully vaccinated?

Walensky said on the “Today” show at the end of June that fully vaccinated people don’t have to worry about variants.

  • “If you are vaccinated you are safe from the variants circulating here in the United States,” she said.
  • She added: “We suggest you consult your local policies. … Masking policies are not meant to protect the vaccinated, they are meant to protect the unvaccinated.


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