Democrats are struggling to deny their involvement in the new book of a predator accused


If you want to know how President Trump won in 2016, look no further than the Democratic strategists who are struggling this week to explain why they helped the accused sexual predator, Mark Halperin, write his new book.

Halperin has resurfaced in isolation and has become the author of another of his supposed "insiders" who are leaning on Washington's policy, this time with a not too subtle title, "How to defeat Trump: the best American political strategists on what to do. "

In writing this book, the disgraced political scientist worked with 75 powerful and democratic strategists, including the former interim president of the National Democratic Committee. Donna Brazile, former Obama campaign guru David Axelrod, MSNBC Contributor and Former Senior Advisor Hillary Clinton Adrienne Elrod, SKDKnickerbocker Executive Director, Anita Dunn, former Governor of Michigan. Jennifer Granholmand the 2016 Clinton National Policy Director Amanda Renteria.


Halperin's book, which is published by Regan Arts, is his first major undertaking since nearly a dozen women claimed in 2017 that he had deteriorated and forced to do so when working with him in different rooms drafting.

One woman claimed that Halperin was masturbated in front of her while they were colleagues at ABC News in the late 1990s. A second woman claims to have met during the same period to discuss career opportunities. At the end of their interview, she said: "He put both my hands on my arms and threw me against the window of the restaurant, so my head hit the window violently. Inside would think of something it had happened to me. "There are other accusations of kisses and unwanted trial and error. Some accusers claim that Halperin " [pressed] an erection against their bodies while he was dressed ", some claim that he" proposed "them, and a woman even claims to have put" his penis on my shoulder ".

Yet despite these numerous allegations, 75 Democrats apparently had no reservations to help Halperin write his new book. That is to say that many had no reservations until the public discovers this weekend their complicity in the disgraced pundit's attempts to rehabilitate his once lucrative career. At that time, many of the same strategists who collaborated on the book's writing understood that they had miscalculated. They are struggling now to disavow it.

"Speak with [Halperin] by phone a few months ago, to find out how to defeat Trump in the Midwest, " Granholm tweeted Sunday. "Never wanted to hurt anyone, ever; should have done more research. My sincere apologies."

A spokesman for Dunn, whose firm works for the Time's Up movement against sexual harassment, said CNN"Anita cares to beat Donald Trump, it's the only reason she participated."

"I am not the author," Brazile also said in response to CNN's inquiries. "Ask Mark why he chose us."

She added in a separate statement to the Daily BeastAfter many emails and hard times, I wanted to put on the record my answers on how to defeat Trump. Today, many of my friends are disappointed to have answered Mark 's call, but I did it after he understood where I was coming from. . "

Renteria said the daily beastAs my record shows, I have no sympathy for people who have a history of sexual harassment in the workplace and I am not interested in the professional reintegration of anyone. At the same time, women and people of color are worse off when our voices and experiences are left out of campaign stories like this. "

Elrod, for his part, told the same newsroom that his "sole professional goal is to defeat Donald Trump in 2020". However, she added been affected. "

Axelrod tweeted: "In answering Halperin's questions, I did not want to excuse his past, his blatant behavior and, in retrospect, I regret not answering the question."

In the end, helping in the rehabilitation efforts of a man accused of having sexually assaulted at least a dozen female colleagues is a bad picture, even if it is in the name of the defeat of Trump.

You would think that the so-called strategists would not need to know it. But then, it took a lot of talent and effort to lose Donald Trump.


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