Democrats move on to $ 25 billion postal service bailout


In addition to the $ 25 billion funding infusion, the Democrats’ bill would force the Postal Service to end DeJoy’s cost-cutting measures, which led to the shutdown of mail sorting machines. and reducing employee overtime. The bill would also require the postal service to prioritize election mail as “first class,” ensuring prompt delivery of ballots by post.

“We want the Postmaster General to repair the damage he has already done, put back sorting machines and letterboxes he has already removed, and prioritize official election mail as first class mail,” as it was before, ”said Carolyn Maloney, chair of the House Oversight Committee (DN.Y.) said Friday. “Every member of Congress should support this bill.”

The measure is unlikely to be taken in the GOP-controlled Senate, where Republicans have repeatedly dismissed the Democrats’ efforts as political and unnecessary. The White House has also threatened to veto the bill.

“It’s a joke,” Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) Said, complaining against the bill on Saturday. “No legislation will be passed because my friends are not serious about the legislation. No money will get to the post office because it cannot be passed by the Senate.

The House GOP leadership formally opposed the legislation, but some Republicans, like New York Rep. John Katko, have announced they will break with the party to support the bill. GOP Representatives: Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania and Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey are also co-sponsors of the bill.

“Slowing down these services would have a disastrous impact on the lives of many Americans. Now is not the time to jeopardize USPS operations or delay services,” wrote Katko, who faces a crisis. running for re-election this fall, in a statement. vote.

Trump has repeatedly criticized the Postal Service and postal voting, saying without any evidence that the process is ripe for fraud. Still, DeJoy, facing immense political pressure, said he would reverse some of his planned organizational changes earlier this week and reconsider ideas after the election to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

Pelosi and other top Democrats dismissed DeJoy’s announcement as “insufficient,” saying he failed to address current changes that are significantly hampering delivery of everything from prescription drugs to security payments social service for the elderly.

Pressure from Democrats to shore up the Postal Service comes as Congressional leaders remain deadlocked on how to take broader action to tackle a pandemic that has killed nearly 175,000 Americans and continues to force tens of millions of people to rely on unemployment benefits after losing their job. .

Meanwhile, popular relief programs – including additional federal unemployment assistance and small business grants – have expired since the beginning of August, with frustration growing on both sides and the partisan finger only s ‘step up across the Capitol. Other than the House vote on Saturday, both houses are staying during the August recess until mid-September and there is little hope that a deal can be reached before then.

“People are really at a tipping point,” said Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.), Whose Las Vegas-area neighborhood has been devastated by the virus. “We have Senate Republicans who for some reason chose not to do the job they were elected to do. This part is frustrating, but I cannot be frustrated because I know my constituents depend on me.

This week, dozens of House Democrats appealed urgently to Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), To resume talks, sending a slew of letters on the concerns they hear at home about inaction.


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