Dent found in the nose of the man after the loss of his sense of smell


Lost your sense of smell? It could be something a little rougher than a stuffy nose caused by a cold or flu.

A man who complained to doctors that his olfactory system was not working properly was stunned to be told that the culprit was a tooth that was growing in his nostril.

The capricious helicopter was only discovered when experts put a small camera in his nose to explore what was happening.

Detailed in the BMJ case log, this strange case involved the patient going to the ears, nose and throat department of the Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark after using steroids to treat his nose stuffy.

There, a scanner revealed a mass of enamel covered with mucus on the floor of the nasal cavity of the man.

Fortunately, the tooth could be extracted with a forceps.

Doctors are confused by what has happened and, although rare, the phenomenon of teething in the nose is not totally unknown.

Trauma or infection has been attributed in the past with a cleft lip or palate. In their reports, the doctors wrote: "In our case, there was no obvious explanation",

While the man had broken his nose and jaw in his youth, the injury probably did not cause the growth of the tooth in the nostril.

Instead, it is likely that the man had a tooth in his nose for most of his life and experienced symptoms only when the area was inflamed.

The good news is that after removal of the tooth, the patient recovered and did not show any symptoms.


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