Destiny 2 cross-play explained, from matchmaking to adding Bungie Friends •


How you can play Guardians on other systems.

Destiny 2 cross play is a feature that fans have long requested – making it possible to play with other Guardians on any system they choose – whether they’re on PlayStation, Xbox, PC or Stadia.

The introduction in 2019 of Destiny 2’s cross-saves was a step in the right direction, allowing you to progress on any platform of your choice, but then you’re still bound to play with others on that system.

The arrival of Destiny 2 on PS5 and Xbox Series brings that reality one step closer with the introduction of intergenerational cross-play.

Since then, we’ve seen the arrival of a crossplay beta during Season of the Splicer in May 2021 and its full release alongside Season of the Lost in August 2021.

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How Destiny 2’s crossplay works, including cross-platform matchmaking between PC and console

Destiny 2 cross play works through the Bungie name system, which will be your identity on all platforms you play on. This name is assigned to you automatically when you log in for the first time during Season of the Lost and is a primary identifier if friends wish to add you on a different system.

This name – along with how to add Bungie friends – is explained in more detail in the following sections of this page.


In terms of matchmaking, one of the first concerns was whether console gamers will face PC gamers who have a mouse and keyboard when it comes to matchmaking activities like Crucible and Gambit, d ‘especially since Bungie announced that it was targeting the “gaps” between PC and console weapons.

How it works – In competitive modes, Destiny 2 will keep players in the same PC or console ecosystem by default, unless you are in a Mixed Fireteam with a PC player. This means that console players will face off against console players (including Stadia) and PC players will face off against PC players.

If you are in a Fireteam with at least one PC player, you will enter the PC matchmaking pool.


Meanwhile, PvE activities – such as strikes, planetary patrols, and other modes that don’t pit you against other players – will see all platforms enter the same matchmaking pool. This means that you can play alongside Guardians from other platforms at any time – an exciting prospect – and is especially useful for platforms with lower player bases that might have already experienced longer matchmaking times. for certain activities.

Finally, be aware that Bungie is not done with cross play. Future features include:

  • Cross-platform voice chat in the upcoming game “shortly after launch”
  • Bungie name change, display of text chat on console, and USB text input on upcoming “winter” console

Bungie name explained and details of Bungie’s name change

As part of the cross-play, each player will receive a single “Bungie name” which will be your identity on all platforms. This is based on your display name on the first platform you log into from Season of the Lost, plus a four-digit code, and will appear in system menus (so not in-game), like this:


When this Bungie name is generated, it filters out offensive words and characters that cannot be entered through a virtual keyboard. If this results in something you don’t like – it’s possible that “if your name ends blank or includes a moderate term, you’ll find the” Guardian “quite trite.[Random Number]“name on your character’s head” – be aware that a Bungie renaming feature is being developed to debut in “winter” 2021.

How to add Bungie friends with Destiny 2 cross play

To play with a friend on different platforms, you must first add them as a Bungie friend. Bungie has confirmed three ways to add Bungie Friends to Destiny 2 as part of the Bungie Name System:

  • Visit the List screen in-game on the same platform as your friend, then request them as a Bungie friend to then appear on all platforms.
  • On the in-game invite screen, you can search for your friend by their Bungie name.
  • Use the online friend tool to link platforms and send Bungie friend requests.

Season of the Lost is here, with some new Exotics and the long-awaited arrival of cross-play. Elsewhere, we’ve seen new Nightfall weapons like the Uzume RR4, Plug One.1, and Hung Jury SR4. Other recent new features include the Synthstrand, Synthcord and Synthweave transmogrification and materials, the Splicer Gauntlet, and Decrypted Data used to upgrade it.

The story of cross-play in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 actually had cross-play before its official debut – albeit by accident.

The arrival of Season of the Splicer in May 2021 saw crossplay made available to some players.

This was acknowledged by a member of the Bungie community team. Cozmo on Twitter, claiming the feature was not “designed to be still live and is not representative of the full experience,” with a fix coming during season launch week (starting May 11). Until then, players are “free to participate” in the feature.

So how did it work? Some players – such as GamerGirlGrey on Twitter – was lucky with teammates from other platforms appear in the Roster menu, and can join from there.

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A reliable way to initiate cross-play with a friend at the time came from ohgodimgonnasquirt on reddit, revealing a method which, while a bit more convoluted and requires both players to have access to Steam on PC, one that we checked it was working.

We tested it between a PC and an Xbox. Remember – keep the console player’s PC client open, but not connected to the game.

After that, Bungie released a beta of the cross-play Destiny 2 between Tuesday, May 25 and Thursday, May 27, debuting alongside the first weekly Expurge mission.

Running for just two days, crossplay access was available to all players on all platforms in the unique Vanguard Strikes Cross Play Beta playlist.

As a reward for participating in the cross-play beta, those who completed three strikes in the playlist received the Stars Crossed emblem:

Destiny 2 crossplay beta rewards the emblem, Stars Crossed.


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