Destiny 2 fans frustrated with Bungie after recent content vault announcement


During the last day, Destiny 2 Developer Bungie has revealed that it will add a substantial amount of existing in-game content to the Destiny Content Vault (DCV) in early 2022. Essentially, that means certain missions, maps, and a lone raid that were previously playable in Destiny 2 will no longer be accessible in perpetuity. As you might expect, even though the DCV has been around for Destiny 2 For over a year now, many fans were quite frustrated with the studio that more playable content was going to be phased out soon.

Shortly after Bungie made this new announcement regarding the Destiny 2 DCV, fans have started flooding social media with their own responses. While some understood where Bungie was coming from with this decision, others found it ludicrous that the playable parts of the game were essentially being taken out altogether. Some have pointed out that no other video game in recent history has ever done something like this, so why does Bungie think it needs to be done with Destiny 2?

However, by far the most common complaint about this is that some Destiny 2 the fans paid real money for the content that is going to disappear. Specifically, Bungie is retiring from the majority of Abandoned extension, which was released in 2018. Although many Destiny 2 fans have surely played Abandoned At this point and no longer rubbing shoulders with its missions and additional content, the fact that Bungie is completely removing this expansion, even though customers have paid for it, is ridiculous in the eyes of some players.

Overall, what do you think of this decision by Bungie? Do you think it’s fair for the studio to retire Destiny 2 content to make room for new expansion items in the future? Let me know either in the comments or on Twitter at @ Mooreman12.

Conversely, if you’d like to see some of the reactions from many fans to this news, keep reading below.

Raids must be protected at all costs

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Just kill the hunters instead

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Aaa and let’s go

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I can’t go down with the practice of aerobatics

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Lost like tears in the rain

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DCV is the worst

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How could Bungie do this ???

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Making the most of a bad situation

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Bungie can still bring back old content

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Did you pay money for Forsaken? Well it’s a shame



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