Device Limits, Personal Audio Library, AutoPlay, etc. [APK Teardown]


YouTube Music is now ready to completely replace Google Play Music (the latest GPM update, with a nice change, dates back a year ago), developers are migrating features so users do not have to worry about it. do not feel like it. Since the latest versions contained only slight visual changes and some signs of feature migration, we were expecting something more substantial to cover. With the version number going to version 3.0 and the addition of Android Auto support, it seemed like a good time. This article will contain the collective changes and disassembly topics of the latest versions.

Author 's note: Originally, this message was intended to be published much sooner. A severe snowstorm has damaged power lines and everything that looks like Internet access in my area. This will not prevent the demolitions from going out, but they will be delayed as I knock them out in restaurants and cafes pretty idiotic to leave tables anywhere near an active point of sale. . Wish me good luck and, more importantly, an unusually long battery life.

What's up

Unofficial Changelog: (the stuff we found)

Updates to the user interface

Not surprisingly, some changes have been made to the user interface in recent versions. If you want to be nervous, you can find dozens of examples where a few pixels have been moved, where some text styles have been changed or other trivial adjustments have appeared.

Left: Previous versions. Right: v3.0.

Some of the most notable changes were made to the account screen, with the background image removed, and the name and email address moved to the right of the avatar. The tiny separator line above the Settings option has been removed. A link to the terms and privacy policy has been added, but this seems to be coming up.

Left: Previous versions. Right: v3.0.

If you're really looking for subtle changes, you may have also noticed that header fonts are a bit THICC… more daring. I've personally liked the look of older versions,

Remove the offline audio quality setting

Left: Previous versions. Center + Right: v3.03.

In the last update, we also found the removal of an offline storage setting that allowed users to choose the audio quality of the downloaded tracks. This setting was probably one of the first Google Play Music transitions, known for its poor, normal, or high quality tracks. Now, the only remaining option invites users to choose only video quality: HD, average, or audio only.

I suspect that the deletion of this parameter was intended to eliminate the points of confusion. It was not really clear if the setting applied only to the audio from the Google Play Music Library or it also changed the audio extracted from YouTube videos. Deleting it now suggests that we will get everything YouTube wants to send; what could be the highest quality available, everything that YouTube considers an acceptable standard, or possibly a level of quality that varies according to certain criteria.

Tear down

Disclaimer: The demolitions are based on evidence found in apks (the Android application package), are necessarily speculative and usually based on incomplete information. It is possible that the assumptions made here are false or inaccurate. Even when the forecasts are correct, it is still possible for the products to change or be canceled. Just like the rumors, nothing is certain until it has been officially announced and published.

The features described below are probably not available yet, or are only available for a small percentage of users. Unless otherwise noted, do not expect to see these features if you install the apk. All screenshots and images are real unless otherwise noted, and the images are only changed to delete personal information.

Android Auto support

I just wanted to add a quick note meta here. I was rewriting this section when 3.03 hit and support for Android Auto were posted. Although it's no longer important to delve deeper into the details, I thought that some people might at least find it interesting to note that the first sign of Auto Support appeared in v2.61. YouTube has added a declaration file named automotive_app_desc that informs Android Auto of the services offered by an application. in this case, YouTube Music declares itself as a multimedia service. It is only since v3.03 that the manifest has been updated to point this file and make the official Auto support.

<automobileApp xmlns:Android="" xmlns:app="" xmlns:aapt="">
<uses first name="media"/>

1080p offline

Earlier this month, a disassembly of the main YouTube app revealed that users would soon have the ability to download 1080p videos for offline viewing. No wonder this is not just about the main app, but YouTube Music will also join the HD train.

<chain first name="offline_video_quality_1080p">Full HD – 1080p</chain>

Get better recommendations

If you've been using GPM for the past two years, you probably know a setup step that asks you to choose your favorite genres and groups. A version of this step has been added to YouTube Music, but there seems to be some interesting differences.

The new version of this learning tool seems to adopt the approach of playing samples of 10 songs and asking you to like or dislike these samples. It's hard to tell if you start by talking to the application of favorite genres or groups before moving on to samples, or if the samples start the process, but it seems like YouTube is perhaps focusing on individual songs rather than generalize around groups.

<chain first name="tuneder_accessible_education_text">You can now listen to 10 samples. Choose "like " or "don 't " for each song to enhance your musical recommendations.</chain>
<chain first name="tuneder_accessible_progress_text">% 1 $ s of% 2 $ s samples</chain>
<chain first name="tuneder_artist_cta">Output samples and learn more about% 1 $ s</chain>
<chain first name="tuneder_byline_text">% 1 $ s on% 2 $ s</chain>
<chain first name="tuneder_playback_toggle_description">toggle reading</chain>

Auto Play / Quick Start

Since several versions, YouTube Music has gradually developed a feature that will immediately begin to play music at the launch of the application. The original name of this option was Autoplay, but it was renamed Quick Start with v3.03 update.

Based on the text and other visible signs, this feature seems to be as simple as it sounds: Launching the application and playing the music … It makes sense in some ways and some users will probably want it use, but I can not move thinking that such a feature made more sense as an application shortcut. There is already a shortcut to immediately read the mixtape offline, which could logically be the streaming version of the same. Unfortunately, this is also limited to recent devices and is less easy to discover than a standard setting.

<chain first name="autoplay_on_launch_snackbar">Play% 1 $ s</chain>
<chain first name="autoplay_on_launch_snackbar_default">Automatic reading …</chain>
<chain first name="autoplay_snackbar_button">settings</chain><chain first name="pref_autoplay_on_launch_summary">Start the music automatically when you open the application.</chain>
<chain first name="pref_autoplay_on_launch_title">Automatic reading</chain>extract from /xml/settings_prefs.xml
< Android:title="@ string / pref_autoplay_on_launch_title" Android:key="pref_autoplay_on_launch" Android:resume="@ string / pref_autoplay_on_launch_summary" Android:default value="true"/>v2.61excerpt of /xml/settings_prefs_compat.xml
< Android:title="@ string / pref_autoplay_on_launch_title" Android:key="pref_autoplay_on_launch" Android:resume="@ string / pref_autoplay_on_launch_summary" Android:default value="true"/><chain first name="autoplay_on_launch_countdown">Reading% 1 $ s in% 2 $ d …</chain>
<chain first name="autoplay_on_launch_countdown_cancel">Cancel</chain>
<chain first name="autoplay_on_launch_countdown_default">Automatic reading in% 1 $ d …</chain>
<chain first name="autoplay_on_launch_snackbar">Play% 1 $ s …</chain>v2.65
extract from /xml/settings_prefs_compat.xml
< Android:title="@ string / pref_autoplay_on_launch_title" Android:key="pref_autoplay_on_launch" Android:resume="@ string / pref_autoplay_on_launch_summary" Android:default value="true"/>extract from /xml/settings_prefs.xml
< Android:title="@ string / pref_autoplay_on_launch_title" Android:key="pref_autoplay_on_launch" Android:resume="@ string / pref_autoplay_on_launch_summary" Android:default value="true"/>

<chain first name="pref_autoplay_on_launch_title">Quick Start</chain>

Personal audio playback

We are talking about playing audio files that you have added to your device. Some users would say that it is rather useless since they only stream music continuously, while others consider it to be a requirement to be able to integrate their own personal library to the composition. Judging by many comments, a lot of people have thought that this would certainly be one of the features that would certainly never appear in the app, but it seems like YouTube will surprise us with that one.

The channels of this feature have been added during several updates, adding some important points: you can filter searches and browse local files only, and your own songs can be added to playlists alongside music in streaming. It also appears that you can delete local tracks from your device via YouTube Music.

<chain first name="pref_show_device_files">View device files</chain>
<chain first name="pref_show_device_files_summary">View all audio files on your device</chain><chain first name="media_browser_sideloaded_all_songs_title">All songs</chain>
<chain first name="media_browser_sideloaded_shelf_title">Device files</chain><chain first name="sideloaded_added_to_playlist">Added to the playlist</chain>
<chain first name="sideloaded_new_playlist">New playlist</chain>
<chain first name="sideloaded_playlist_created">Playlist created</chain>
<chain first name="sideloaded_playlist_delete_error">Error deleting playlist</chain>
<chain first name="sideloaded_playlist_edit_error">Error updating playlist</chain>
<chain first name="sideloaded_remove_from_playlist">Delete from playlist</chain>
<chain first name="sideloaded_removed_from_playlist">Removed from playlist</chain><chain first name="sideloaded_track_delete_dialog_title">Delete the audio file?</chain>
<chain first name="sideloaded_track_delete_dialog_msg">This song will be permanently deleted from your device. This action can not be canceled.</chain>
<chain first name="sideloaded_track_delete_error">Error deleting the track</chain>
<chain first name="sideloaded_track_delete_success">Track removed</chain>

<chain first name="audio_preview_file_error">The track can not be read</chain>
<chain first name="audio_preview_read_permission_error">YouTube Music does not have permission to read files</chain>

Peripheral limits … because terrible things never die

I do not think it's an exaggeration to say that one of the most hated aspects of Google Play Music is the famous device limit. Basically, you can record up to ten devices at a time and only these devices are allowed to use Play Music … but not simultaneously. From there, you can withdraw up to four authorizations a year, a rule that was strictly enforced a few years later. You can also contact customer service to request a full reset of all devices in your accounts, which is assumed to be limited to one time for the entire lifetime of your account (this part does not appear to be strictly enforced).

Although this limit does not necessarily pose too much trouble to someone who only improves their phone every two years, it is certainly a problem for a lot of people, even if it is not. as much as the limit of the number of terminals includes some additional platforms like Android TV.

Unfortunately, this system seems to be coming to YouTube Music. Some new lines of text clearly indicate that device limits and client service resets will be respected. In addition to these lines, two other rules represent YouTube's existing rules regarding the number of devices allowed to download normal videos and purchases for offline viewing.

<chain first name="error_too_many_manual_account_changes">Your account has too many customer service resets this year.</chain>
<chain first name="error_too_many_active_devices_for_family">This video is unavailable because you have exceeded the device limits.</chain>
<chain first name="error_too_many_accounts_on_device">On any device, up to 3 accounts may have downloaded videos at the same time. To download this video here, delete all downloads from another account.</chain>
<chain first name="error_too_many_active_devices_for_account">Purchases can be downloaded on 5 devices simultaneously. To download this video here, delete all downloads from another device.</chain>

It should be noted that device limitation rules might be limited to the audio library that will switch from Google Play Music, and not to the YouTube music library that can already be streamed to one of your devices without delete the prior authorization.


The APK is signed by Google and upgrades your existing application. The cryptographic signature ensures that the file can be safely installed and has not been tampered with in any way. Rather than wait for Google to transfer this download to your devices, which may take days, download it and install it as any other APK.

YouTube Music - Streaming Songs and Video Clips
YouTube Music - Streaming Songs and Video Clips


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