Diablo 4 could be revealed at Blizzcon 2019


Blizzard is accelerating the development of many new projects, and some of them may be ready for a revelation at Blizzcon 2019.


Blizzard is working on more new games than ever before, and some of them include Diablo IV, a possible sequel for Overwatch, new IP addresses alongside mobile games. Diablo IV has already been restarted once, and sources say it's okay looks like Diablo II with a darker thematic scope. But that could be very far away and nobody knows when it will be revealed. Now in a recent earnings appealBlizzard President, J. Allen Brack, said that Blizzard was incredibly eager to show off these new games and is contesting big plans for this year's annual Blizzcon event.

"I've always said that the Blizzard pipeline was bigger and richer than ever before, and included PC and console versions," he says. Brack said in the call.

"We are eager to bring all this content to the community and that is one reason we have significantly increased the number of our developers, as we discussed last quarter." The teams are highly motivated. that we have a lot to prove, both to our players and to ourselves.Well we talk about it – Coddy talked about BlizzCon's previous announcement and the show comes back on November 1st and 2nd at the conference center. 'Anaheim and works very hard to make it a great event.'

But of course, the new Blizzard pipeline is not just about gaming. This also includes live services, engagement tactics and monetization strategies. The company has generated hundreds of millions of dollars each year through microtransactions of its biggest games and this trend will not change anytime soon.

It is possible that Blizzcon 2019 is more or less identical to the same reception with updates to the content of existing games.

Read also: Creating new games only accounts for a quarter of Activision's future projects.

"[Our pipeline] includes permanent content for World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Hearthstone and some mobile initiatives. It is essential that all these products meet the Blizzard quality for which we are known. We want to give teams the space they need to really create excellence and publish games at a better and more consistent pace. " Said Brack.

Blizzard executives have been developing these projects for years.

In 2017, then President Mike Morhaime confirmed The Blizzard pipeline was more important than ever, and specifically mentioned the new intellectual property.

"We are also very excited for the future, and in addition to supporting all of our live games, we are committed to new initiatives, and we are thinking about different platforms, particularly at the global level," said Morhaime in an Activision-Blizzard 2017 revenue call.

"In terms of new intellectual property, our pipeline is in a better position than ever before in our history.

"Last year, Allen Adham, co-founder of Blizzard and Frank Pearce, returned to the company to coordinate our efforts in this area, and we have some great ideas to share with you. we had already begun to explore several dedicated incubation teams, led by some of our most experienced Blizzard game designers. "

Then in 2018, Blizzard's current president, J. Allen Brack, reaffirmed Morhaime's words:

"At the present time, we have the largest multi-year pipeline we have ever had, which represents a huge opportunity.Our number one priority is to deliver against this pipeline," Brack said at the time. Call Activision results for the third quarter of the calendar year, T3 & 18;

"We will continue to invest in the content of our existing franchises and we still have a lot of work to do to improve the service of our communities and to create more content for all our fans, which is our number one priority. We will continue to invest in the scope of the different franchises we need to acquire more players around the world on all platforms, including PCs, gaming consoles and mobiles.

"I think Blizzard's main goal will always be to provide a quality game, we have a strong culture of values, and we want to create more content and more games. will lead to more players, more commitment, and it will lead to excellent business results.

Regardless of Blizzard's work, it is rather bulky and should be a broad multi-year roadmap of games, services and content aimed at reclaiming the $ 1 billion dollar engagement market.


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