Dietary supplements cause serious health problems in children


New study led by T.H. of Harvard The Chan School of Public Health warns that dietary supplements cause serious health problems in some children and adolescents who consume them. These supplements, which are generally available over the counter in places such as gas stations and grocery stores, claim to offer benefits such as better energy and better sports performance.

READ: A study warns about the increasing use of "alternative medicine" in adolescents

Between alternative medicine and legitimate medicine, there is the vast and poorly regulated world of dietary supplements, a term that applies to everything from herbs and vitamins over-the-counter to products that mix several compounds. Food supplements are still very popular and are supposed to offer a variety of health benefits, including improvements in memory, energy, and so on.

A large number of teenagers and children consume these dietary supplements and, according to the recent study published, they could face a number of serious health problems. The research focused specifically on supplements sold for weight loss and bodybuilding, and compared them to the effects of ordinary vitamins.

Compared with vitamins, these dietary supplements were associated with almost three times the number of "serious medical consequences" in individuals aged 0 to 25 years. Of the 977 "adverse effects" resulting from taking these supplements, the researchers found that about 40-percent had "serious medical consequences," ranging up to hospitalization and even the death.

Energy, bodybuilding and energy supplements were associated with about three times more health problems than vitamins; In contrast, supplements for colon cleansing and sexual functions were at about twice the risk of vitamins.

The study points out that these supplements may contain unexpected and harmful ingredients because of the relative lack of regulation. Some dietary supplements have been found to include a variety of related compounds, including pesticides, heavy metals and even prescription drugs.


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