Discovery Could Lead to Faster Recovery After Injury or Illness – ScienceDaily


A team of researchers at UMass Lowell discovered that egg shells can promote the growth of new strong bones needed for medical procedures.

The technique developed by UMass Lowell could one day be used to repair bones in patients with injuries due to aging, accidents, cancer and other diseases, or during military fights, according to the professor Gulden Camci-Unal, assistant, who directs the study.

Through this innovative process, crushed egg shells are inserted into a hydrogel mix that forms a miniature framework for laboratory bone growth, intended to be used for bone grafts. To do this, the bone cells would be removed from the patient's body, introduced into the substance, and then cultured in an incubator before the new bone is implanted in the patient.

Research shows that when eggshell particles, composed mainly of calcium carbonate, are incorporated into the hydrogel mix, they increase the ability of bone cells to grow and harden, which could potentially accelerate their healing. And, since the bone would be generated from cells taken from the patient, the possibility that the immune system of the individual rejects the new material is significantly reduced, according to Camci-Unal.

The process could also be used to promote the growth of cartilage, teeth and tendons, she said.

"This is the first study that uses eggshell particles in a hydrogel matrix for bone repair. We have already filed a patent and we are very excited about our results. We anticipate that the process can be significantly adapted, "said Camci-Unal, adding that one day, shell particles could also be used to carry proteins, peptides, growth factors, genes and viruses. medication.

UMass Lowell students participating in the research include the PhD in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology. Candidates Sanika Suvarnapathaki and Xinchen Wu of Lowell, as well as Darlin Lantigua of Lawrence. Wu was the main author of the team's research findings, which were published in the academic journal Biomaterials Science and will make the cover of the print edition of the publication this month.

According to researchers, the use of egg shells to support bone growth is a sustainable way to reuse them while advancing the technology behind these procedures.

"The global waste of rejected egg shells typically accounts for millions of tons of domestic and commercial cooking, and by reusing them we can directly benefit the economy and the environment while providing a solution. sustainable unmet clinical needs, "said Camci-Unal.

This is not the first time Camci-Unal has used an unconventional approach to design new materials for biomedical engineering. Last year, she and her team used the principles of origami – the ancient Japanese art of folding paper – to inspire the construction of tiny structures in 3D where Biomaterials can be grown in the laboratory to create new tissues.

Source of the story:

Material provided by University of Massachusetts Lowell. Note: Content can be changed for style and length.


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