Disneyland to become a ‘super site’ for COVID-19 vaccinations


Disneyland Resort will become the first mass vaccination site for the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine in Orange County, California. By the end of this week, thousands of people will be able to get vaccinated every day in the so-called “happiest place on earth”. Disneyland will be the first of five similar sites in the region.

“The coronavirus has caused both a public health crisis and economic devastation. With this great site, we will start to overcome both, ”said Harry Sidhu, the mayor of Anaheim, where Disneyland is located, in a statement. “Every vaccination done in Anaheim will help save lives and speed up the reopening and recovery of our city.”

Southern California is reeling from an increase in hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19 over the past month as it has become the epicenter of the pandemic. About one in six residents tested in Orange County has tested positive for the novel coronavirus in the past seven days. In neighboring Los Angeles County, it’s one in five.

Each person vaccinated is one less resident at risk of getting sick or spreading disease. Officials around the world have therefore looked to stadiums and fairs as part of their plans to increase vaccinations. Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles will stop providing COVID-19 testing and switch to administering vaccines by Friday. Seven mass vaccination sites have already opened this week in the UK, where the first licensed vaccine has been administered, CBS reported.


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