Do you get vaxxed or you are not eligible – HotAir


I do not understand. I want to take vaccine status into account when rationing hospital care, because whether you end up needing a nurse after contracting COVID is now largely a matter of your own choosing. If you choose to put yourself at a higher risk of a severe case by refusing to receive a free ubiquitous injection, this should be taken into account when deciding whether you deserve a bed more than another desperately needy patient.

But as you will see, Colorado’s case is not about rationing of care. The health system tells her they are refusing to help her save her life because she will not mitigate her risk of COVID, even though she is likely to survive a post-operative infection even if she is not vaccinated. .

“You could die if you don’t get the injections, so we’ll make sure you die by not having the operation. Is that about the size of this one?

UCHealth defends its decision by reminding the media that conditions are systematically imposed on transplant recipients. Organs are rare, after all. If you’re lucky enough to get a new pair of lungs, doctors want to know that you won’t immediately start smoking two packs a day. The goal of a transplant is to extend life as much as possible; if they think you are a bad bet to cooperate with this, they will find someone who is a better bet.

Weaver noted that transplant centers across the country may require patients to receive other vaccines, quit smoking, avoid alcohol, or demonstrate that they will be taking crucial medications in an effort to ensure people do well after surgery and do not “reject” the organs for which there is fierce competition.

Multiple studies show that covid-19 is particularly deadly for kidney transplant recipients. Weaver said the the observed death rate for transplant patients who develop covid-19 ranges from about 20 percent to over 30 percent – far higher than the 1.6 percent death rate typically seen in the United States

The patient reportedly denied a transplant, which Geitner did not identify, has about “12% of her kidney function remaining,” the state lawmaker said on Tuesday.

If this was a case where multiple people were competing for a kidney from the national organ donor stockpile, you can see why doctors might be considering their relative sensitivity to COVID when deciding who gets it. The virus is now highly contagious thanks to Delta, to the point that some experts believe that everyone will eventually become infected with it. Imagine telling someone who is vaccinated that they will have to keep waiting for a kidney because you have decided to give the available one to an unvaccinated person instead – and then that person quickly gets infected and dies within a period of time. a month. You gave life, and it was wasted.

But even in this scenario, where the organs are rationed, there is no reason to declare a person categorically ineligible because they are not vaccinated. Their vaccination status must be considered as one factor among many. After all, who is most likely to survive after receiving a kidney? An unvaccinated 25-year-old or an 85-year-old vaccinated?

Again, however, this Colorado case is not about rationing of care. This is because the woman who was told she was not eligible for a transplant has a direct donor aligned. She’s not taking a kidney that would have gone to someone else. She gets it from a friend who is willing to donate it to her. Watch the two speak to local media in the interview below. Neither can understand why a voluntary donor and a voluntary recipient should be refused surgery due to the fact that they are not vaccinated. I can not either. Even if COVID mortality is 20-30% for transplant patients, as UCHealth claims, the odds of survival would still be in favor of the recipient.

It’s getting worse. According to the Colorado state official who made her case public, the recipient has “tested positive for immunity, she already has these COVID antibodies on board.” While it is true that she has recovered from COVID and has natural immunity, the argument for denying her a transplant becomes even weaker. Of course, natural immunity can decrease over time, but vaccine immunity can too. At least one study in Israel shows that natural immunity is more durable than vaccine immunity. It is possible to determine if the transplant recipient has a significant number of antibodies by having her undergo an antibody test. Why don’t they see this as an alternative to making her ineligible?

I’m all for “soft” vaccines forcing people to twist their arms to get vaccinated, but denying a direct organ donation to someone dying to pressure them is more up to him. tear off the arm.

Instead of an exit question, go read about a state that * needs * to ration care right now because there are too many COVID patients for its hospitals to handle. It’s not Colorado, it’s Alaska, which is finally coming back down from a ferocious wave that has forced some hospitals to invoke “standards of care in the event of a crisis” in which doctors prioritize treatment based on those who are most likely to survive. This NYT story opens with a tale of a rural patient who needed emergency surgery and requested to be airlifted to Anchorage for it, but the main Anchorage hospital was overwhelmed with COVID patients. Doctors got together and concluded that a patient in their own emergency room had a better chance of surviving if treated, so that patient came first. The rural patient died.


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