Do you have to leave intermittent fasting?


Intermittent fasting has many benefits. Yes, it can help you lose weight, but you can also feel more focused and energetic, feel less bloating, control your cravings, and more. As in any diet, however, this is not a unique solution – and personally, narrowing the window in which I could eat made me rather unhappy. Exhausted and hungry, I finally got back to eating normally. I was curious to know if my experience is common, so I decided to ask the experts. According to dietitians and a doctor, you may need to stop smoking for three reasons.

1. You can not shake the side effects

Intermittent fasting is not without side effects, including some of the things that it is supposed to fight, such as lack of energy and lack of sleep. I had trouble following my workout sessions, I could not concentrate outside the window where I ate and woke up often hungry during the night. "Your meal schedule can also affect your circadian rhythm," said Sarah Kasman, Registered Dietitian at Copeman Healthcare. "Your body is used to eating in a certain way, so any unwanted change could make it react." These symptoms, along with problems such as persistent headaches, may indicate that your body is not getting the calories it needs. Although you can often feel better if you feel better (headaches can be the result of dehydration, for example) and you have to give yourself time to adapt. It is important that you listen to your body and know when it has enough.

2. You are often eating too much

It's a common mistake that Kasman warned: many people think that, since they fast for hours (or a whole day) at a time, they can eat what they want . "Do not use fasting as an excuse.The goal is to develop healthy and sustainable eating habits to achieve your goals," she told POPSUGAR. If overeating is a mental game that you can not seem to win, intermittent fasting may not be right for you – and there is nothing wrong with that. "Any change in the diet should, in most cases, be maintainable in the long run," Kasman said. "Intermittent fasting may not always fit your lifestyle, so you need to consider it."

3. You have certain medical conditions

Intermittent fasting can be dangerous, depending on your medical history. "You are more sensitive to fasting if you have an underlying disease, such as diabetes, where you are taking medications that can exacerbate symptoms and put your life at risk," Dr. Janette Nesheiwat, PhD specialist, told POPSUGAR. family medicine and emergency. "Pregnant women, children, and people with weakened immune systems, such as people who are HIV-positive or those who undergo chemotherapy – should all avoid fasting." Dr. Nesheiwat explained that fasting can lead to serious side effects, such as hypoglycemia, metabolic disorders, seizures and electrolyte abnormalities.

Even something as harmless as an antibiotic can be problematic. "I would also advise against intermittent fasting if you are taking antibiotics, because many of them require a small amount of food to avoid stomach pain," explained Vanessa Rissetto, MS, RD, CDN. In fact, it is best to take a number of medications – prescription or over-the-counter – with food. Discuss your plans with your doctor before deciding whether or not intermittent fasting is appropriate for your life.


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