Do you still find mosquito bites? Here’s what you need to know.


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Summer is over, but blood-sucking mosquitoes still buzz in backyards and other outdoor havens.

Delaware is a highly mosquito-prone state with 57 insect species, said William Meredith, administrator of the State Department of Natural Resources and Mosquito Control Section of Environmental Control.

Hitting mosquitoes in the fall may sound alarming, but mosquito season has been on the rise lately, so get used to it.

Why are mosquitoes still around?

Recent rains and flooding in the area are also contributing to persistent mosquito activity, leaving behind standing water where the insect can breed, especially in water that has been standing for at least four days. A single female mosquito can lay up to 300 eggs at a time.

Climate change also caused the mosquito season to start in Delaware as early as March and stretching through mid-November in recent years, Meredith said.

“A lot of mosquitoes are still quite active on the days it’s in the 50s and 60s,” Meredith said, adding that the state should expect to tolerate the pesky bug for about a month.

What risks do mosquitoes present?

Although neighboring states like New Jersey and New York have seen an increase in mosquito-borne West Nile virus, Delaware residents shouldn’t be concerned.

West Nile virus is described as a summer flu spread by mosquito bites and causing symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, vomiting, rash, and fatigue.

Among those infected, only 20% show symptoms, with some cases becoming more severe.

The Delaware Sentinel Chicken Program, which cages chickens in 20 locations across the state and tests them weekly for West Nile virus or East Equine Encephalitis virus, is used to determine the presence of the virus.

Following: West Nile virus detected in chickens in New Castle County

While the past few weeks have shown a doubling of the normal number of sentinel chickens infected with West Nile virus, around 25 cases in three weeks, the only human case of West Nile virus in Delaware was reported in early September over a period of 69 years old. old man from Kent County.

It was Delaware’s first human case since 2018, according to the Public Health Division.

“The percentage of mosquitoes carrying West Nile virus even during peak activity is very low,” Meredith said. “The more you are exposed to mosquito bites, the greater the risk.”

What can be done?

To control mosquitoes, the Mosquito Control Section of DNREC uses trucks or planes to spray pesticides daily in various spray areas. These areas are divided into blocks marked for treatment and are then sprayed with an EPA approved pesticide that is safe to humans, wildlife and the environment.

The DNREC also advises individuals to take care of any standing water on their property to reduce mosquito activity in their area.

Drain water from liners in flower pots, clean gutters and abandoned swimming pools, check tarps on vehicles or boats, and overturn any surface such as a wheelbarrow or children’s toy that might collect water are all ways of reducing mosquito activity.

“The key is water,” said Ken Alkire, owner of Mosquito Joe Outdoor Pest Control Service. “Mosquitoes need water to lay their eggs.”

Mosquito Joe gets rid of typical yard pests like mosquitoes, ticks and fleas in the northern Delaware area using barrier treatments and outdoor sprays. The company has noticed more mosquito activity than usual, and with it, new customers.

“It’s not crazy or overkill or something we’ve never seen before, but it’s just a little later in the season than usual,” he said.

Alkire recalls that the season started earlier this year but still peaked in July-August, when mosquito activity usually peaks in the heat of summer.

In addition to protecting your property, personal precautions include using insect repellant, wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants, or choosing to sit on screened decks.


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