Do you want to prevent diabetes? It's the exercise you need


Work out if you want to reverse type 2 diabetes. Read here to learn more.

Do you want to prevent diabetes? It's the exercise you need

Bodybuilding can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes

Strengthening muscle strength can be a way to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to a recent study.

The study, which involved more than 4,500 adults, found that moderate muscle mass reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by 32%. The benefits were independent of cardiorespiratory fitness, and higher levels of muscle strength did not provide additional protection.

According to the researchers, the results are encouraging because even a small amount of resistance exercise can be helpful in preventing type 2 diabetes by improving muscle strength. However, it is difficult to recommend an optimal level because there are no standardized measures of muscle strength.

"Of course, people will want to know how often to lift weights or how much muscle mass they need, but it's not that simple," said DC Lee, lead author of the study published in the Journal of Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

"As researchers, we have several ways to measure muscle strength, such as grip strength or the bench press, and additional efforts are needed to determine the appropriate dose of resistance exercise, which may vary in strength. depending on the state of health and populations, "explained Lee.

Participants in the study performed pressure on the chest and legs to measure muscle strength. These measures have been adjusted for age, sex and body weight as potential confounding factors, which is an example of why researchers say it is complicated to make general recommendations.

Although several factors contribute to muscle strength, according to Angelique Brellenthin, one of the principal investigators, resistance exercise is important. Information on resistance exercises was not available for most participants, except for a small group, which showed a moderate correlation between muscle strength and frequency or number of participants. Resistance exercises a week.

Other research has shown that resistance training improves glucose levels and reduces waist circumference, an indicator of excess fat associated with type 2 diabetes and diabetes mellitus. other health problems, said Brellenthin.

"You will not necessarily see the results of resistance training on your bathroom scale, but there are several health benefits that can reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes even if you do not lose weight, and we know that it's important to maintain one's muscles Mass helps us stay functional and independent throughout life, "Brellenthin said.

According to self-reports, Brellenthin indicates that only 20% of Americans abide by the guidelines (two days a week of muscle building activities) for resistance exercises. Although the data from the study is not sufficient to provide suggestions for weight training, some are better than nothing. For starters, you do not need a gym membership or expensive equipment. In fact, you can start at home by doing bodyweight exercises.

"You can get a good resistance training with squats, boards or lunges. Then, as you develop strength, you can consider adding free weights or weight machines, "Brellenthin explained.

(This story has not been changed by NDTV staff and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.)


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