Doctors say there is a symptom of COVID-19 that may be permanent for some


The list of symptoms of COVID-19 has grown since the start of the coronavirus pandemic almost a year ago.

Yahoo Life reports that the long list of symptoms now includes a “wide range of complications” that can accompany the virus.

The report noted that loss of smell and taste is one of the most common symptoms in patients with COVID-19, especially those with mild cases.

The timeframe for these senses to return ranges from weeks to months, and in worst-case scenarios, some COVID-19 patients permanently lose their sense of smell and taste, Yahoo Life explained.

Loss of smell and taste are common symptoms of COVID-19.

Yahoo Life cited a Jan. 5 study from the “Journal of Internal Medicine, ” which found that among patients with mild cases of COVID-19, 86% “experienced a loss of their sense of taste and smell.” And, while a significant number of senses of these patients return over time, this is not always the case.

Yahoo Life also cited the “Wall Street Journal”, which reported that doctors say that in some cases “people’s senses may never return.”

On the Harvard Health site, Yahoo Life quoted cognitive and neurological expert Leo Newhouse, LICSW, who wrote, “Some of us might never regain our sense of smell or taste at all.”

Most of the senses of smell and taste of COVID-19 patients return after six months.

The Yahoo Life report cited an April 6 study published by the “European Archives of Otolaryngology, ” who found that long after the other symptoms disappeared, “the majority of patients lost their taste and smell”. The study noted that “a quarter of the participants’ ability to taste and smell returned within two weeks after their other symptoms disappeared.”

The “Journal of Internal Medicine, “ study concluded that after 60 days, 15.3% of patients still had not recovered their senses, and after 6 months, 4.7% of people’s senses had not yet returned.

If the senses come back, they may not come back the same.

The report again quoted neurological expert Leo Newhouse who wrote, “The good news is that olfactory neurons are able to regenerate.” But added: “The bad news is that not everyone will return to their pre-COVID functioning level.”

If your senses are still gone, you shouldn’t give up hope.

According to Yahoo Life, experts say “there is a good chance” the senses will recover within the first year of loss. Report quotes assistant professor Jessica grayson, MD, who told the University of Alabama at Birmingham that “Patients with post-viral odor loss have about a 60 to 80 percent chance of regaining some of their olfactory function at one year.

The loss of smell and taste can lead to unfavorable emotions.

Yahoo Life cited a 2016 study published in “Chemical Senses” which found that “patients with olfactory dysfunction exhibit symptoms of depression that worsen with the severity of the loss of smell.”

The report quoted “The Wall Street Journal,” which was said by chemosensorology researcher Pamela Dalton, that when our sense of smell and taste goes away, “we cleared out a whole chunk of our consciousness that we didn’t even realize. we used every day.



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