Doctors urge Jews to vaccinate despite outbreak of measles – The Forward


(JTA) – Some 500 doctors serving Jewish communities in North America have signed a letter asking all healthy children and adults to be vaccinated.

"We, the undersigned doctors, who faithfully serve the Orthodox Jewish communities of North America, urge all members of our community to receive all the recommended vaccines," begins the letter.

The letter is signed by state doctors from New York, New Jersey, California, Florida, Texas, Arizona, Ohio, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Toronto and Montreal, inviting Jewish communities must work together to "prevent the spread of harmful diseases"

"We are aware of the dangerous misinformation campaign underway and we reject any unconfirmed unscientific statement that would contradict all available scientific studies on vaccination," the letter also said.

The letter is the subject of a mass information campaign with the Jewish community on vaccination, reported the Yeshiva World News.

The majority of Orthodox Jewish children are vaccinated, according to statistics released by the state health departments of New York State and New York City. There is no religious reason for not getting vaccinated and leading rabbis in New York have called on their faithful to vaccinate their children.

The United States has confirmed 555 cases of measles so far in 2019, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported on Monday. This is 50% higher than the total number recorded in 2018. Most cases are concentrated in New York and its large Orthodox community haredi.

This story "Doctors urge Jews to vaccinate in the middle of the outbreak of measles" was written by Marcy Oster.


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