Doctors warn of an aggressive allergy season


HUNTINGTON, West Virginia (WSAZ / NBC News) – Doctors tell about 50 million Americans that the allergy season could be much worse than in the past.

"We have seen a significant increase in tree pollen over the last two weeks," said Matthew Wilson, Allergy Specialist at Tri-State Allergy.

According to the Allergy website,, our entire region is ranked among the country's richest in pollen.

Allergists say the numbers are more similar to what they see in the summer, and if they are not treated, Wilson says it can lead to bigger problems.

"You can get significant asthma symptoms and breathing difficulties," Wilson said.

Wilson says the best thing to do is to limit outdoor activities in the morning hours when the pollen is not as strong as it is late.

If you've worked outside, Wilson tells you to shower immediately and change clothes. He also suggests keeping the windows closed at home and while driving.


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