Does Caffeine Help A Headache Or Not? Here's What Experts Say.


If you're going to have a headache, here's some confusing news: You may or may not be making your headache worse.

According to experts, caffeine can both relieve and worsen a headache; the outcome depends on multiple factors specific to you and your clothes. So before you head to the vending machine for a cola to numb the bread, there are a few things you should consider. Here's what you should know:

There are only a few cases where caffeine makes headaches better

"To be clear, caffeine does not always help headaches, "said Kirsten Ransbury, lead registered dietitian at Kaiser Permanente in Roseville, California.

For the sake of the brain – a condition known as vasodilation – caffeine can help by the blood vessels to constrict, reducing the swelling. Caffeine could also help softening tension headaches by relaxing the muscles over the scalp or the back of the head Kiran F. Rajneesh, director of the neurological bread division at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

But here's where it gets a little tricky: If you have too much caffeine, your muscles could get tensed, Rajneesh said, which would worsen the bread.

There's no magic dose

As nice as it would be to know exactly how much caffeine you'd need to kill a headache, there's no one-size-fits-all prescription. This is in part because caffeine affects everybody differently.

"Some people are more likely to be sensitive to caffeine, "Rajneesh said, and these folks should probably refrain from using caffeine as a pain reliever.

When it comes to coffee, Rajneesh said, "usually one or two cups" is enough in terms of daily consumption, and three to four cups should probably be cutoff. So if you've already consumed your morning cup (s), caffeine may not be the best headache-soothing option.

The source of caffeine Slightly matters

Coffee, tea, chocolate and soda are some of the most common sources of caffeine. Ransbury said that it should not make a difference, but it does suggest it when it comes to energy drinks, since it has been associated with dizziness, seizures and strokes.

Rajneesh advised against energy drinks. "When it comes to treating patients with migraine headaches, Rajneesh said, energy drinks are off the table.

Something to consider is the amount of caffeine in the source. Ransbury said coffee has about 106 to 164 milligrams of caffeine per 5-ounce cup, while a 12-ounce can of caffeinated soda contains 38 to 46 milligrams.

"I think it's probably the most benign," Rajneesh said, adding that soda contains sugar and chemicals, variables that could have an effect on your well-being (and headaches).

The best headache remedy depends on the individual

Some people swear by a patient, while others find a cold compress over their eyes for a few minutes does the trick when it comes to headache treatment.

The theme of this? Everyone is different, and different types of headaches will respond to different types of treatment. Rajneesh said he would be more likely to pick up the caffeine in the form of an over-the-counter medication because he considered the "more natural" option.

When advising patients, he said he would recommend a "lifestyle modification," which includes adjusting your sleep schedule, maintaining hydration and incorporating a moderate amount of exercise into your routine. Before, Rajneesh said it was important to try to figure out what a person's life might be causing headaches and make changes from there. Lack of sleep, a healthy diet and exercise, he said.

There are, of course, quick ways to abate headache bread. Ransbury suggests many caffeine-free and natural remedies, including turning off the lights, relaxing in a quiet space and taking a warm bath. It also avoids excessive cooking, alcohol, nicotine, excessive screen time and – surprise – even too much caffeine may also be enough to ease the bread.

"Living With" is a guide to navigating conditions that affect your mind and body. Each month, HuffPost Life will tackle very real issues with the help of different stories, advice and ways to connect with others who understand what it's like. In April, we're covering migraines and headaches. Got an experience you like to share? Email [email protected].


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