Does remote trading have to be in Pokémon GO?


Pokémon GO Trade
Pokémon GO Trade

Hi trainers! In the recent APK teardowns there was a very small mention of a “trade ball” and it got me thinking (surprisingly) about trading.

There has been absolutely no hint from Niantic or for that matter that distance trading is being considered or is developing, at the same time, the remote raid could never even have been conceived at that time there. a year ago, but here we are. It exists, it is popular, it is lucrative, and it is here to stay.

Is distance commerce therefore an absolutely necessary improvement in the quality of life, especially now in these times of social distance and protection?

(Please note that the mentioned “trading ball” might actually have nothing to do with trading or just a random line of code, this article is purely hypothetical)

PokeMiners’ In-Depth APK Teardown of 0.189.0 from TheSilphRoad

What are the current restrictions around trading?

  • You must be physically close to each other (within 100 meters)
  • You can trade each Pokémon only once and the IV will be different for the recipient
  • One Special Trade Per Day – Anything Brilliant, Legendary, or New to either Pokédex is a Special Trade
  • A Pokémon will be leveled if the traded Pokémon is one level higher than the receiving trainer
  • A total ban on the exchange of ghost and mythical Pokémon
  • Not a restriction as such, but there is also a stardust cost involved, as below

What additional guarantees could Niantic put on distance commerce to make it fair and sustainable?

• Limit remote trading to lucky friends or better. Oh please yes! I have a lot of lucky friends and just for the sake of convenience, being able to make them from anywhere would be a blessing. Remember to be lucky friends you have to be best friends first, which is 90 days of interactions, and then you rely on, good luck, to be lucky, so it’s not. exactly something that can be done on a whim, it takes dedication.

• Restrict the species that can be traded at a distance. Whether or not you agree with them, regional Pokémon exist. I can understand that Niantic wants to keep an air of exclusivity around certain species, so I would be happy if that condition remained in place if that meant distance trading would be introduced.

• Recharge period for remote exchanges. Could this be something that you are only allowed to do once a day or a week? Even if each week would still take some time to clear some backlogs, it would be a start!

• The introduction of a special article such as the “trade ball” mentioned above in distance trading. Special items aren’t new to Pokémon GO to allow for certain actions (think mystery box and evolutionary items), but there is a consideration of how you would get hold of them or if they can’t be. purchased only with Pokecoins. It might not put off all trainers, but it’s a problem to bring in an additional premium item.

Any combination of the above are possible solutions. The original safeguards introduced with the trade were put in place in an attempt to combat illegal trade in rare and high IV Pokémon and I wouldn’t want to compromise those fundamentals except distance. If it’s good enough for raiding, why isn’t it possible for trading?

What’s the worst that could happen if distance trading is introduced?

Pokémon GO has always been about going out, meeting people, exploring your surroundings, building and positively impacting your local community and finding this elusive Pokémon yourself.

It’s a great feeling to find something new or highly prized on your own, and trading is a great fallback option and is itself a core value, almost all of the major series had exclusive Pokémon and before that collectible cards. Removing the urge to go outside seems counterintuitive to this mission statement, but is it what is needed right now?

2020 has seen restrictions on people’s movements, which they may encounter and, unfortunately, in some cases, whether they can come out at all. It sounds like a change that would be hugely positive for players with little to no impact on Niantic and I for one would even welcome it with all of the restrictions I mentioned above.

What do you think the “commercial ball” could be? Are you ok with distance trading or are you happy with the current system?

If trading is brand new to you and you want any of these restrictions or mechanisms explained in more detail, check out this article from 2018 when trading was first introduced –

Stay safe on trainers!


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