Does wearing two masks offer more protection?


From VOA Learning English, here is the Health & Lifestyle report.

Throughout the coronavirus health crisis, health officials around the world have advised people to rise in importance precautions to protect himself.

We were asked to wash our hands often and properly. We have also been urged to stay socially away from people outside of our own. Housework. And one of the most important precautions, of course, is to wear a face mask.

But as the pandemic continues, some people are now asking: can wear of them do masks offer more protection against the virus? The quick answer is: it depends.

Some health experts say doubling up on masks may help in some situations.

One of these experts is Dr David Hamer. He is an infectious disease expert at Boston University. Wearing a single mask should be sufficient in most situations, Hamer told The Associated Press. But the mask must fit well, he adds, and not be ample.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends wearing a sheet mask consisting of two or more layers. The mask, the health agency adds, should cover both the nose and the mouth. And it should be fine comfortably on the face.

But even with the most suitable mask, some people may want extra protection in certain situations. For example, people at risk for serious illness if they are infected with the coronavirus may wish to wear two masks. People may also want to double down if they plan to be with others for long periods indoors or need to be in an enclosed area, such as on an airplane.

In high-risk situations, another expert suggests wearing a cloth mask as well as a surgical mask. Dr Monica Gandhi is an infectious disease specialist at the University of California, San Francisco.

She says wearing both tissue and a surgical mask – with either mask on top – could offer increased protection against the coronavirus. Wearing both masks this way, Gandhi adds, could have an effect similar to that of an N95 mask.

N95 masks are a kind of personal protective equipment designed for healthcare workers and doctors first responders. The CDC is not suggesting that the general public wear N95 masks.

Gandhi also advises the use of additional protection for people who will be indoors in areas with high infection rates.

She offers another suggestion for situations where a person wants to receive the highest level of protection possible: a two-layer fabric mask. filtered material in between.

For people wearing single cloth masks for everyday use, Gandhi has an important tip: make sure the cloth is made from woven Equipment. She says the mask should also have at least two layers. The layers and tight weave make it more difficult for virus-carrying particles to pass through the material.

And that’s the Health & Lifestyle report. I am Anna Matteo.

Journalists from The Associated Press wrote this story. Anna Matteo adapted it for VOA Learning English. Bryan Lynn was the editor.

Quiz – Does wearing two masks offer more protection?

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Words in this story

precaution – not. a measure taken beforehand to avoid any damage or guarantee a good

Housework – not. members of a family or other group who live together in a house

mask – not. a blanket used to hide or disguise your face

ample – adj. clothing : does not fit close to your body : not tight

layer – not. a piece of roofing material or a part that is on or under another

comfortably – adv. fitting tightly and comfortably

surgical mask – not. a rectangular-shaped face mask (made of fabric or polypropylene fiber) which is usually secured by two straps attached to the back of the head and is intended to be worn by medical personnel during surgical procedures, especially to protect the carrier against splashes or splashes of blood or body fluid and to prevent contamination of the patient’s surgical wounds

first responder – not. a person (such as a police officer or emergency paramedic) who is among those responsible for going immediately to the scene of an accident or emergency to provide assistance

filtered – not. a device used to remove something unwanted from a liquid or gas passing through it

woven – adj. form (as fabric) by smoothing together strands of material


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