Dog Anyone? It can be in your genes


If you like dogs, it can be in your genes.

Swedish researchers used a database of 35,035 identical twins and brothers born between 1926 and 1996. They collected information about their dog's ownership from government records and kennel clubs.

Identical twins, who share 100% of their genes, are more similar genetically than fraternal twins, who share only 50%. The twins share the same environment, so if one trait is genetic, the identical twins will be more similar in this trait than the fraternal twins.

The study, in Scientific Reports, revealed that if an identical twin had a dog, there was a 40% chance that his twin would be, compared to 25% with siblings. When an identical twin owned a dog, its probability was 29%, compared to only 18% for male brothers.

In other words, the possession of a dog has a large genetic component. Scientists calculate that genetics is responsible for 57% of dog owners in women and 51% in men.

"Some people are dogs, others not," said senior author, Tove Fall, professor of molecular epidemiology at Uppsala University. "And our results suggest that inherited factors may explain the difference."


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