Dog disease that can jump to humans has been found in Iowa – BGR


Having a sick dog can be a serious disappointment. It is painful to see a pet suffer or feel any discomfort, but normally a sick dog poses no risk to your health. However, some diseases can switch between dogs and humans, and one of these diseases has just been confirmed in Iowa.

As NBC News reports, canine brucellosis was detected in what is described as a "commercial breeding establishment" in the state. The establishment reportedly raised small breed dogs in Marion County, located in the southern half of the state.

Despite the disease's ability to infect dogs and humans, the symptoms it produces differ greatly between dogs and humans.

In humans, brucellosis can include vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and fever. In dogs, many symptoms are related to the reproductive system, with an increased risk of stillbirth and miscarriage as well as infertility.

Brucellosis is considered highly contagious and the bacteria that causes it can be transmitted between animals and humans not only by consuming raw or undercooked meat (which obviously does not concern pet dogs), but also by contact with animals. organic liquids.

Reports do not indicate exactly how many dogs have been exposed to the disease, but the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Stewardship of Iowa has indicated that it took steps to inform those likely to be affected.

"We are informing the people who have the custody of the exposed dogs," the department said in a press release. "Animals and facilities are quarantined while dogs undergo clinical tests."

Source of the picture: Cultura / REX / Shutterstock


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